Boris L. Feigin
Leading researcher Corresponding member of RAS
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- M.C.N. Cheng, S. Chun, B. Feigin, F. Ferrari, S. Gukov, S.M. Harrison, D. Passaro, 3-Manifolds and VOA Characters, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405, art. 44 (2024), 76 pp; arXiv:2201.04640, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85186699831, ADS: 2024CMaPh.405...44C, InSpire: 2010439.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Commutative subalgebra of a shuffle algebra associated with quantum toroidal glm|n, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228(6), 107619 (2024); arXiv:2306.05223, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85183483396, ADS: 2023arXiv230605223F, InSpire: 2667330.
- B. Feigin, L. Rybnikov, F. Uvarov, Gaudin model and Deligne’s category, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 114(1), 3 (2024), Scopus: 2-s2.0-85180237302.
- Mikhail Bershtein, Boris Feigin, Aleksandr Trufanov, Highest-weight vectors and three-point functions in GKO coset decomposition, arXiv:2404.14350, ADS: 2024arXiv240414350B, InSpire: 2779512.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of vertex operators and deformed W-algebra of type D(2,1;α), Advances in Mathematics 403,108331 (2022); arXiv:2103.15247, WoS: 000793345300016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85127366148, ADS: 2021arXiv210315247F, RINTs: 48423928, MathSciNet: 4402974, zbMath: 07534679, EDN: WVYCGF.
- T. Arakawa, T. Creutzig, B. Feigin, Urod algebras and Translation of W-algebras, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 10, art. e33 (2022); arXiv:2010.02427, WoS: 000807579100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85131817830, ADS: 2020arXiv201002427A, InSpire: 1821622, RINTs: 49156218, MathSciNet: 4436591, zbMath: 07541105, EDN: SPWVLC.
- T. Creutzig, B. Feigin, A.R. Linshaw, N = 4 Superconformal Algebras and Diagonal Cosets, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2022(03), 2180-2223 (2022); arXiv:1910.01228, WoS: 000740670600013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85127297946, ADS: 2019arXiv191001228C, InSpire: 1757425, RINTs: 48424167, MathSciNet: 4366001, zbMath: 07471376, EDN: XUEYUM.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Quantum toroidal comodule algebra of type An−1 and integrals of motion, SIGMA 18, 051, 31 pages (2022); arXiv:2112.14631, WoS: 000921863400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85133867252, ADS: 2021arXiv211214631F, InSpire: 1998714, MathSciNet: 4448840, zbMath: 1492.81062.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Extensions of deformed W-algebras via qq-characters, arXiv:2212.01649, ADS: 2022arXiv221201649F, InSpire: 2610779.
- B.L. Feigin, S.D. Lentner, Vertex algebras with big center and a Kazhdan-Lusztig Correspondence, arXiv:2210.13337, ADS: 2022arXiv221013337F, InSpire: 2169729.
- P.I. Arseev, M.A. Vasil’ev, M.I. Vysotskii, A.S. Gorskii, V.G. Drinfel’d, A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Litvinov, A.M. Polyakov, V.A. Rubakov, B.L. Feigin, M.A. Shifman, Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), UFN 192(10), 1179-1180 (2022) [P.I. Arseev, M.A. Vasil’ev, M.I. Vysotskii, A.S. Gorskii, V.G. Drinfeld, A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Litvinov, A.M. Polyakov, V.A. Rubakov, B.I. Feigin, M.A. Shifman, Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin (on his 80th birthday), Phys. Usp. 65 (10), 1104-1106 (2022)], ADS: 2022PhyU...65.1104A.
- B. Feigin, Y. Hu, Shuffle algebra realization of quantum affine superalgebra $U_{v}(\hat{\mathfrak{D}}(2,1;\theta))$, Journal of Algebra, 573, 539-560 (2021); arXiv:1909.12575, WoS: 000617653500022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85099842173, ADS: 2019arXiv190912575F, InSpire: 1845226, RINTs: 44987913, zbMath: 1461.17016.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, I. Vilkoviskiy, Deformations of W algebras via quantum toroidal algebras, Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 27(4), art. 52 (2021); arXiv:2003.04234, WoS: 000663348700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85108151375, ADS: 2020arXiv200304234F, RINTs: 46835180, zbMath: 07365294.
- M. Alfimov, B. Feigin, B. Hoare, A. Litvinov, Dual description of η-deformed OSP sigma models, J. High Energy Phys., 2012, 040 (2020); arXiv:2010.11927, WoS: 000600011100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097371986, ADS: 2020JHEP...12..040A, InSpire: 1824457, RINTs: 45096204, MathSciNet: 4239412, zbMath: 1457.81053.
- B. Feigin, S. Gukov, VOA[M4], J. Math. Phys. 61, 012302 (2020); arXiv:1806.02470, WoS: 000518007900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85078037964, ADS: 2020JMP....61a2302F, InSpire: 912370, RINTs: 43243744, MathSciNet: 4047476, zbMath: 07177403.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, The (glm,gln) duality in the quantum toroidal setting, Commun. Math. Phys., 367(2), 455-481 (2019); arXiv:1801.08433, WoS: 000463664000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85064226566, ADS: 2019CMaPh.367..455F, RINTs: 38709505, MathSciNet: 3936123, zbMath: 1414.81135.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Towards trigonometric deformation of sl2 coset VOA, J. Math. Phys. 60, 073505 (2019), WoS: 000480636400013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85069510818, zbMath: 1416.81093.
- M. Bershtein, B. Feigin, G. Merzon, Plane partitions with a “pit”: generating functions and representation theory, Sel. Math. New Ser., 24(1), 21-62 (2018); arXiv:1512.08779, WoS: 000426469100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85042745675, ADS: 2015arXiv151208779B, RINTs: 35508016, MathSciNet: 3769725, zbMath: 1430.17044.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Finite type modules and Bethe ansatz equations, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 18(8), 2543–2579 (2017); arXiv:1609.05724, WoS: 000405671100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85017129329, ADS: 2017AnHP...18.2543F, InSpire: 1610070, RINTs: 31028502, MathSciNet: 3671544, zbMath: 1407.82019.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Finite Type Modules and Bethe Ansatz for Quantum Toroidal gl1, Commun. Math. Phys., 356(1), 285-327 (2017); arXiv:1603.02765, WoS: 000409821300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85027970512, ADS: 2017CMaPh.356..285F, InSpire: 1622383, RINTs: 31057233, MathSciNet: 3694029, zbMath: 1425.17020.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, Integrals of motion from quantum toroidal algebras, J. Phys. A 50, 464001 (2017); arXiv:1705.07984, WoS: 000413538200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85032804430, ADS: 2017JPhA...50T4001F, RINTs: 31061630, MathSciNet: 3718902, zbMath: 1386.82037.
- Boris Feigin, Alexander Odesskii, Functional equations in algebra, arXiv:1709.00750, ADS: 2017arXiv170900750F.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, An evaluation homomorphism for quantum toroidal gl(n) algebras, arXiv:1709.01592, ADS: 2017arXiv170901592F.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Branching rules for quantum toroidal gln, Advances in Mathematics, 300, 229-274 (2016); arXiv:1309.2147, WoS: 000381844100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84962040765, ADS: 2013arXiv1309.2147F, RINTs: 29466353, MathSciNet: 3534833, zbMath: 1402.17031.
- M. Bershtein, B. Feigin, A. Litvinov, Coupling of two conformal field theories and Nakajima-Yoshioka blow-up equations, Lett. Math. Phys., 106(1), 29-56 (2016); arXiv:1310.7281, WoS: 000367610700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84944705189, ADS: 2016LMaPh.106...29B, InSpire: 1262366, RINTs: 26828450, MathSciNet: 3437987, zbMath: 1395.17058.
- B. Feigin, A. Tsymbaliuk, Bethe subalgebras of Uq(glˆn) via shuffle algebras, Sel. Math. New Ser., 22(2), 979-1011 (2016); arXiv:1504.01696, WoS: 000379167900014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84951829724, ADS: 2015arXiv150401696F, RINTs: 26811939, MathSciNet: 3477340, zbMath: 1394.17051.
- B. Feigin, I. Makhlin, A combinatorial formula for affine Hall-Littlewood functions via a weighted Brion theorem, Sel. Math. New Ser., 22(3), 1703-1747 (2016); arXiv:1505.04269, WoS: 000379167300019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85007477145, ADS: 2015arXiv150504269F, RINTs: 27104198.
- B.L. Feigin, Integriruemye sistemy, shafl-algebry i uravneniya Bete, Trudy MMO, 77(2), 251-306 (2016) [Integrable Systems, Shuffle Algebras, and Bethe Equations, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 77, 203–246 (2016)], WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85002271239, RINTs: 28931390, MathSciNet: 3643971, zbMath: 1416.17017.
- A. Buryak, B.L. Feigin, H. Nakajima, A simple proof of the formula for the Betti numbers of the quasihomogeneous Hilbert schemes, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2015(13), 4708-4715 (2015); arXiv:1302.2789, WoS: 000359714900007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84941887444, ADS: 2013arXiv1302.2789B, RINTs: 24949654, MathSciNet: 3439090, zbMath: 1353.14007.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Quantum toroidal gl(1) and Bethe ansatz, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 244001 (2015); arXiv:1502.07194, WoS: 000355253100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84934880988, ADS: 2015JPhA...48x4001F, RINTs: 23983050, MathSciNet: 3355243, zbMath: 1318.81039.
- B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, M. Noumi, J. Shibahara, J. Shiraishi, Tableaux formulas for one-row Macdonald polynomials of types Cn and Dn, SIGMA 11, 100 (2015); arXiv:1412.8001, WoS: 000366448800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84949802026, ADS: 2015SIGMA..11..100F, RINTs: 26923716, MathSciNet: 3431135, zbMath: 1331.33037.
- G.S. Mutafyan, B.L. Feigin, Kharaktery predstavlenii kvantovoi toroidal’noi algebry gl1ˆˆ: ploskie razbieniya «s tribunoi», Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 48(1), 46–60 (2014) [G.S. Mutafyan, B.L. Feigin, Characters of representations of the quantum toroidal algebra gl1ˆˆ: Plane partitions with “stands”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 48(1), 36-48 (2014)], WoS: 000333086600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84896350431, RINTs: 21826393, MathSciNet: 3204677, zbMath: 1305.17015.
- B.L. Feigin, Kommutativnye verteksnye algebry i ikh vyrozhdeniya, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 48(3), 24–33 (2014) [B.L. Feigin, Commutative vertex algebras and their degenerations, Funct. Anal. Appl., 48(3), 175-182 (2014)], WoS: 000342060400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84908056617, ADS: -, RINTs: 22834185, MathSciNet: 3494718, zbMath: 1354.17018.
- A. Berenstein, J. Bernstein, B. Feigin, S. Fomin, M. Kapranov, J. Weyman, Andrei Zelevinsky, 1953–2013., Transform. Groups, 19(1), 289–302 (2014).
- I. Cherednik, B. Feigin, Rogers-Ramanujan type identities and Nil-DAHA, Adv. Math., 248, 1050-1088 (2013); arXiv:1209.1978, WoS: 000325739900031, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884167771, ADS: 2012arXiv1209.1978C, RINTs: 20455523, MathSciNet: 3107536, zbMath: 1298.33029.
- A.A. Belavin, M.A. Bershtein, B.L. Feigin, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Instanton moduli spaces and bases in coset conformal field theory, Commun. Math. Phys., 319(1), 269-301 (2013); arXiv:1111.2803, WoS: 000316490100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84868216610, ADS: 2013CMaPh.319..269B, InSpire: 945528, RINTs: 28673976, MathSciNet: 3034031, zbMath: 1263.81252.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Representations of quantum toroidal gln, J. Algebra, 380, 78-108 (2013); arXiv:1204.5378, WoS: 000316160800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84873942264, ADS: 2012arXiv1204.5378F, RINTs: 20434349, MathSciNet: 3023228, zbMath: 1293.17017.
- G.S. Mutafyan, B.L. Feigin, Kvantovaya toroidal’naya algebra $\widehat{\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}_1}}$: vychislenie kharakterov nekotorykh predstavlenii kak proizvodyashchikh funktsii ploskikh razbienii, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 47(1), 62-76 (2013) [G.S. Mutafyan, B.L. Feigin, The quantum toroidal algebra ((gl(1))over-cap)over-cap: Calculation of characters of some representations as generating functions of plane partitions, Funct. Anal. Appl., 47(1), 50-61 (2013)], WoS: 000316206200006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84874895670, RINTs: 20730680, MathSciNet: 3087832, zbMath: 1282.17019.
- A. Buryak, B.L. Feigin, Generating series of the Poincaré polynomials of quasihomogeneous Hilbert schemes, Springer Proc. Math. & Stat., 40, 15-33 (2013) [K. Iohara et al. (eds.), Symmetries, Integrable Systems and Representations]; arXiv:1206.5640, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883437903, ADS: 2012arXiv1206.5640B, RINTs: 20456372.
- A. Buryak, B.L. Feigin, Homogeneous components in the moduli space of sheaves and Virasoro characters, J. Geom. Phys., 62(7), 1652-1664 (2012); arXiv:1111.6422, WoS: 000304578500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84859417737, ADS: 2012JGP....62.1652B, RINTs: 17981998, MathSciNet: 2922027, zbMath: 1245.14043.
- H. Awata, B. Feigin, J. Shiraishi, Quantum Algebraic Approach to Refined Topological Vertex, J. High Energy Phys., 1203, 041 (2012); arXiv:1112.6074, WoS: 000302412100041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84859590528, ADS: 2012JHEP...03..041A, InSpire: 1083009, RINTs: 24948554, MathSciNet: 2980199, zbMath: 1309.81112.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Quantum toroidal gl1 algebra: plane partitions, Kyoto J. Math., 52(3), 621-659 (2012); arXiv:1110.5310, WoS: 000307912400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84874856218, ADS: 2011arXiv1110.5310F, RINTs: 20486354, MathSciNet: 2959950, zbMath: 1315.17010.
- A. Braverman, B. Feigin, L. Rybnikov, M. Finkelberg, A finite analog of the AGT relation I: finite W-algebras and quasimaps' spaces, Commun. Math. Phys., 308(2), 457-478 (2011); arXiv:1008.3655, WoS: 000296637000007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80355144467, ADS: 2011CMaPh.308..457B, InSpire: 866143, RINTs: 18012121, MathSciNet: 2851149, zbMath: 1247.81169.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, P. Littelmann, Zhu's algebras, C2-algebras and abelian radicals, J. Algebra, 329(1), 130-146 (2011); arXiv:0907.3962, WoS: 000287675900007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79451471960, ADS: 2009arXiv0907.3962F, RINTs: 16982029, MathSciNet: 2769319, zbMath: 1292.17024.
- V. Belavin, B. Feigin, Super Liouville conformal blocks from N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories, J. High Energy Phys., 1107, 079 (2011); arXiv:1105.5800, WoS: 000293741500015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80053161520, ADS: 2011JHEP...07..079B, InSpire: 901933, RINTs: 24935154, MathSciNet: 2875955, zbMath: 1298.81154.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Quantum continuous gl∞: Semiinfinite construction of representations, Kyoto J. Math., 51(2), 337-364 (2011); arXiv:1002.3100, WoS: 000290823900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79957864626, ADS: 2010arXiv1002.3100F, RINTs: 16989451, MathSciNet: 2793271, zbMath: 1278.17012.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Quantum continuous gl∞: Tensor products of Fock modules and Wn-characters, Kyoto J. Math., 51(2), 365-392 (2011); arXiv:1002.3113, WoS: 000290823900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79957854822, ADS: 2010arXiv1002.3113F, InSpire: 1339276, RINTs: 17003709, MathSciNet: 2793272, zbMath: 1278.17013.
- B.L. Feigin, A.I. Tsymbaliuk, Equivariant K-theory of Hilbert schemes via shuffle algebra, Kyoto J. Math., 51(4), 831-854 (2011); arXiv:0904.1679, WoS: 000297531400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855781985, ADS: 2009arXiv0904.1679F, RINTs: 18033224, MathSciNet: 2854154, zbMath: 1242.14006.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, Gelfand-Zetlin basis, Whittaker vectors and a bosonic formula for the sln+1 principal subspace, Publ. RIMS, 42(2), 535-551 (2011); arXiv:0907.2045, WoS: 000294193600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79959499530, ADS: 2009arXiv0907.2045F, RINTs: 16995995, MathSciNet: 2849640, zbMath: 1236.17020.
- B. Feigin, M. Finkelberg, I. Frenkel, L. Rybnikov, Gelfand-Tsetlin algebras and cohomology rings of Laumon spaces, Sel. Math. New Ser., 17(2), 337-361 (2011); arXiv:0806.0072, WoS: 000290800800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79957570916, ADS: 2008arXiv0806.0072F, RINTs: 17003664, MathSciNet: 2803846, zbMath: 1285.14011.
- B. Feigin, M. Finkelberg, A. Negut, L. Rybnikov, Yangians and cohomology rings of Laumon spaces, Sel. Math. New Ser., 17(3), 573-607 (2011); arXiv:0812.4656, WoS: 000294202300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80051960432, ADS: 2008arXiv0812.4656F, RINTs: 18002303, MathSciNet: 2827177, zbMath: 1260.14015.
- B.L. Feigin, Abelianizatsiya BGG-rezol’venty predstavlenii algebry Virasoro, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 45(4), 72-81 (2011) [B.L. Feigin, Abelianization of the BGG resolution of representations of the Virasoro algebra, Funct. Anal. Appl., 45(4), 297-304 (2011)], WoS: 000298226300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-83455211477, RINTs: 20730635, MathSciNet: 2961482, zbMath: 1271.17018.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, M. Okado (Eds.), New trends in quantum integrable systems. Proceedings of the infinite analysis 09, Kyoto, Japan, 27--31, July 2009. Dedicated to Tetsuji Miwa on the occasion on his 60th birthday., World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2011. xviii+498 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4324-36-6; 981-4324-36-1, MathSciNet: 2798314, zbMath: 1207.81004.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, I. Tipunin, Fermionic formulas for (1,p) logarithmic model characters in Φ2,1 quasiparticle realisation, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 61, 161-184 (2011) [Exploring new structures and natural constructions in mathematical physics. Collected papers of the conference upon the occasion of the retirement of Professor Akihiro Tsuchiya, Nagoya, Japan, March 5–8, 2007. Ed. by K. Hasegawa et al. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan (ISBN 978-4-931469-64-8/hbk)]; arXiv:0704.2464, WoS: 000310250000005, ADS: 2007arXiv0704.2464F, MathSciNet: 2867147, zbMath: 1242.81120.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Quantization of soliton systems and Langlands duality, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 61, 185-274 (2011) [Hasegawa, Koji (ed.) et al., Exploring new structures and natural constructions in mathematical physics. Collected papers of the conference upon the occasion of the retirement of Professor Akihiro Tsuchiya, Nagoya, Japan, March 5–8, 2007. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan (ISBN 978-4-931469-64-8/hbk)]; arXiv:0705.2486, WoS: 000310250000006, ADS: 2007arXiv0705.2486F, InSpire: 753479, MathSciNet: 2867148, zbMath: -.
- B.L. Feigin, I.Yu. Tipunin, Characters of coinvariants in (1,p) logarithmic models, In: New trends in quantum integrable systems. Proceedings of the Infinite Analysis 09, Kyoto, Japan, 27-31, July 2009. Dedicated to Tetsuji Miwa on the occasion on his 60th birthday. Ed. by B. Feigin et al. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-4324-36-6/hbk; 978-981-4324-37-3/ebook). 35-60 (2011); arXiv:0805.4096, ADS: 2011ntqi.conf...35F, InSpire: 800100, MathSciNet: 2766985.
- H. Awata, B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, M. Kanai, J. Shiraishi, S. Yanagida, Notes on Ding-Iohara algebra and AGT conjecture, RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1765, 12-32 (2011); arXiv:1106.4088, ADS: 2011arXiv1106.4088A, InSpire: 917468.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, V.T. Laredo, Gaudin models with irregular singularities, Adv. Math., 223(3), 873-948 (2010); math/0612798, WoS: 000273495600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70450222913, ADS: 2006math.....12798F, InSpire: 735746, RINTs: 15325812, MathSciNet: 2565552, zbMath: 1186.81065.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, L. Rybnikov, Opers with irregular singularity and spectra of the shift of argument subalgebra, Duke Math. J., 155 (2), 337-363 (2010); arXiv:0712.1183, WoS: 000283911600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78049314589, ADS: 2007arXiv0712.1183F, InSpire: -, RINTs: 16979008, MathSciNet: 2736168, zbMath: 1226.22017.
- B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, J. Shibahara, J. Shiraishi, S. Yanagida, Kernel function and quantum algebras, RIMS Kokyuroku 1689, 133-152 (2010); arXiv:1002.2485, WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: 2010arXiv1002.2485F, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: -.
- B.L. Feigin, I.Yu. Tipunin, Logarithmic CFTs connected with simple Lie algebras, arXiv:1002.5047, ADS: 2010arXiv1002.5047F, InSpire: 854598.
- B. Feigin, K. Hashizume, A. Hoshino, J. Shiraishi, S. Yanagida, A commutative algebra on degenerate CP1 and Macdonald polynomials, J. Math. Phys., 50, 095215 (2009); arXiv:0904.2291, WoS: 000270378800016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70349656663, ADS: 2009JMP....50i5215F, RINTs: 23967014, MathSciNet: 2566895, zbMath: 1248.33034.
- B. Feigin, M. Lashkevich, Form factors of descendant operators: Free field construction and reflection relations, J. Phys. A 42, 304014 (2009) (32pp); arXiv:0812.4776, WoS: 000267943000015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449589525, ADS: 2009JPhA...42D4014F, InSpire: 806482, RINTs: 15297118, MathSciNet: 2521333, zbMath: 1177.81121.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Fermionic formulas for eigenfunctions of the difference Toda Hamiltonian, Lett. Math. Phys., 88(1-3), 39-77 (2009) [Errata - ibid, 108(7), 1779-1781 (2018)]; arXiv:0812.2306, WoS: 000267032500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-67349150184, ADS: 2009LMaPh..88...39F, RINTs: 13604475, MathSciNet: 2512140, zbMath: 1180.37091.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, L. Rybnikov, On the endomorphisms of Weyl modules over affine Kac–Moody algebras at the critical level, Lett. Math. Phys., 88(1-3), 163-173 (2009); arXiv:0802.3872, WoS: 000267032500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-67349206557, ADS: 2009LMaPh..88..163F, RINTs: 13615700, MathSciNet: 2512144, zbMath: 1169.81015.
- P.V. Bushlanov, B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Lusztig limit of quantum sℓ(2) at root of unity and fusion of (1,p) Virasoro logarithmic minimal models, Nucl. Phys. B 818(3), 179-195 (2009); arXiv:0901.1602, WoS: 000266759400002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-67349255420, ADS: 2009NuPhB.818..179B, InSpire: 810810, RINTs: 13604566, MathSciNet: 2518084, zbMath: 1194.81121.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Principal 𝔰𝔩3 subspaces and quantum Toda Hamiltonian, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 54, 109-166 (2009) [Algebraic Analysis and Around: In Honor of Professor Masaki Kashiwara's 60th Birthday. Ed. by Miwa, Tetsuji et al. Tokyo: Math. Soc. Japan, 379 pp. ISBN 978-4-931469-51-8]; arXiv:0707.1635, WoS: 000310185100005, ADS: 2007arXiv0707.1635F, MathSciNet: 2499555, zbMath: 1180.37091.
- B. Feigin, Mëbius Contest, Moscow Math. J., 9(2), 209–210 (2009).
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, Y. Takeyama, A φ1,3-Filtration of the Virasoro Minimal Series M(p,p') with 1 < p'/p < 2, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 44(2), 213-257 (2008); math/0603070, WoS: 000257781600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-47749126575, ADS: 2006math......3070F, RINTs: 13577499, MathSciNet: 2426348, zbMath: 1162.17025.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, Sets of rigged paths with Virasoro characters, Ramanujan J., 15 (1), 123-145 (2008); math/0506150, WoS: 000252421800010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38349029229, ADS: 2005math......6150F, RINTs: 13576745, MathSciNet: 2372797, zbMath: 1138.17011.
- B. Feigin, O. Foda, T. Welsh, Andrews-Gordon type identities from combinations of Virasoro characters, Ramanujan J., 17 (1), 33-52 (2008); math-ph/0504014, WoS: 000259444300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-52649174905, ADS:, InSpire: 706636, RINTs: 13595188, MathSciNet: 2439524, zbMath: 1244.05028.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Two-dimensional current algebras and affine fusion product, J. Algebra, 313(1), 176-198 (2007); math/0607091, WoS: 000247409200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34248595615, ADS: 2006math......7091F, RINTs: 13550601, MathSciNet: 2326142, zbMath: 1132.17013.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Kazhdan-Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithimic extensions of Virasoro minimal models, J. Math. Phys., 48, 032303 (2007); math/0606506, WoS: 000245317900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34047164902, ADS: 2007JMP....48c2303F, InSpire: 719968, RINTs: 13554291, MathSciNet: 2314490, zbMath: 1112.17017.
- B. Feigin, B. Shoikhet, On [A, A]/[A, [A, A]] and on An-action on the consecutive commutators of free associative algebras, Math. Res. Lett., 14(5-6), 781-795 (2007); math/0610410, WoS: 000252165500007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38849084583, ADS: 2006math.....10410F, RINTs: 13563287, MathSciNet: 2350124, zbMath: 1174.17020.
- B. Feigin, A.N. Kirillov, S. Loktev, Combinatorics and geometry of higher level Weyl modules, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 221(60), 33-47 (2007) [Moscow Seminar on Mathematical Physics, II; Edited by: Yu. Neretin, M. Olshanetsky, and A. Rosly, AMS, 2007; 211 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-4371-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4371-0]; math/0503315, MathSciNet: 2384790, zbMath: 1129.22011.
- B. Feigin, T. Kojima, J. Shiraishi, H. Watanabe, The Integrals of Motion for the Deformed W-Algebra Wq,t(slN), Proceedings for Representation Theory 2006, Atami, Japan, p.102-114, (2006), [ISBN4-9902328-2-8]; arXiv:0705.0627, ADS: 2007arXiv0705.0627F.
- B. Feigin, T. Kojima, J. Shiraishi, H. Watanabe, The Integrals of Motion for the Deformed Virasoro Algebra, arXiv:0705.0427, WoS: 2007arXiv0705.0427F.
- B.L. Feigin, Yu.S. Ilyashenko, A.B. Sossinski, Yu. Tschinkel, M.A. Tsfasman, S.G. Vlăduţ, Yuri I. Manin, Moscow Math. J., 7(1), 163–163 (2007).
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Principal subspace for the bosonic vertex operator φ(\root 2m)(z) and Jack polynomials, Adv. Math., 206(2), 307-328 (2006); math/0407372, WoS: 000241389300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33748583200, ADS: 2004math......7372F, RINTs: 13519469, MathSciNet: 2263705, zbMath: 1201.17017.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Modular group representations and fusion in logarithmic conformal field theories and in the quantum group center, Commun. Math. Phys., 265 (1), 47-93 (2006); hep-th/0504093, WoS: 000237567800002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33646746046, ADS: 2006CMaPh.265...47F, InSpire: 680311, RINTs: 13507970, MathSciNet: 2217297, zbMath: 1107.81044.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Logarithmic extensions of minimal models: Characters and modular transformations, Nucl. Phys. B 757(3), 303-343 (2006); hep-th/0606196, WoS: 000242601300004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750704011, ADS: 2006NuPhB.757..303F, InSpire: 719714, RINTs: 13512429, MathSciNet: 2275182, zbMath: 1116.81059.
- A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, B.L. Feigin, Sootvetstvie Kazhdana–Lyustiga dlya kategorii predstavlenii tripletnoi W-algebry v logarifmicheskikh konformnykh teoriyakh polya, TMF, 148(3), 398-427 (2006) [A.M. Gainutdinov, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Y. Tipunin, B.L. Feigin, Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondence for the representation category of the triplet W-algebra in logarithmic CFT, Theor. Math. Phys., 148(3), 1210-1235 (2006)]; math/0512621, WoS: 000241043900005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33748923994, ADS: 2006TMP...148.1210G, InSpire: 701839, RINTs: 9277373, MathSciNet: 2283660, zbMath: 1177.17012.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, A monomial basis for the Virasoro minimal series M(p,p'): The case 1<p'/p<2, Commun. Math. Phys., 257 (2), 395-423 (2005); math/0405468, WoS: 000229241000008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18844424342, ADS: 2005CMaPh.257..395F, InSpire: 689009, RINTs: 13500420, MathSciNet: 2164604, zbMath: 1135.17303.
- B. Feigin, G. Felder, B. Shoikhet, Hochschild cohomology of the Weyl algebra and traces in deformation quantization, Duke Math. J., 127 (3), 487-517 (2005); math/0311303, WoS: 000237151400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18844362379, ADS: 2003math.....11303F, RINTs: 13484171, MathSciNet: 2132867, zbMath: 1106.53055.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Homological realization of restricted Kostka polynomials, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2005(33), 1997-2029 (2005); math/0503058, WoS: 000233721000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-27344442306, ADS: 2005math......3058F, RINTs: 24613282, MathSciNet: 2180427, zbMath: 1162.17313.
- B. Feigin, S. Loktev, Multi-dimensional Weyl modules and symmetric functions, Commun. Math. Phys., 251 (3), 427-445 (2004); math/0212001, WoS: 000224888700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-10044231921, ADS: 2004CMaPh.251..427F, RINTs: 13460446, MathSciNet: 2102326, zbMath: 1100.17005.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, Spaces of coinvariants and fusion product I. From equivalence theorem to Kostka polynomials, Duke Math. J., 125 (3), 549-588 (2004); math/0205324, WoS: 000225698100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-11144279305, ADS: 2002math......5324F, RINTs: 13460505, MathSciNet: 2166753, zbMath: 1129.17304.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, M. Kashiwara, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, A functional model for the tensor product of level 1 highest and level -1 lowest modules for the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl2), Eur. J. Combinatorics, 25(8), 1197-1229 (2004); math/0310284, WoS: 000224767000006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4444339714, ADS: 2003math.....10284F, RINTs: 13467745, MathSciNet: 2095479, zbMath: 1106.17016.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, Two character formulas for $\hat{sl_2}$ spaces of coinvariants, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 19, Suppl.2, 134-154 (2004) [Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, September 15–21, 2002]; math/0211354, WoS: 000222989500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4944252320, ADS: 2004IJMPA..19S.134F, RINTs: 13456733, MathSciNet: 2087105, zbMath: 1080.81531.
- B. Feigin, S. Loktev, Deformation of Weyl modules and generalized parking functions, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2004(51), 2719-2750 (2004); math/0312158, WoS: 000224477600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-8644256031, ADS: 2002math......8156F, RINTs: 24942948, MathSciNet: 2130606, zbMath: 1083.17008.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, Spaces of coinvariants and fusion product II. (sl)over-cap(2) character formulas in terms of Kostka polynomials, J. Algebra, 279(1), 147-179 (2004); math/0208156, WoS: 000223280500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4043154411, ADS: 2002math......8156F, RINTs: 13473264, MathSciNet: 2078392, zbMath: 1160.17312.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, Wn(2) algebras, Nucl. Phys. B 698 (3), 409-449 (2004); math/0401164, WoS: 000224352600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4644264086, ADS: 2004NuPhB.698..409F, InSpire: 642944, RINTs: 13449692, MathSciNet: 2092705, zbMath: 1123.17302.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, Fermionic formulas for (κ, 3)-admissible configurations, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 40 (1), 125-162 (2004); math/0212347, WoS: 000221191400005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-3042587333, ADS: 2002math.....12347F, RINTs: 13469871, MathSciNet: 2030072, zbMath: 1134.17311.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, Particle content of the (κ,3)-configurations, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 40 (1), 163-220 (2004); math/0212348, WoS: 000221191400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-3042633647, ADS: 2002math.....12348F, RINTs: 13472894, MathSciNet: 2030073, zbMath: 1062.05010.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Schubert varieties and the fusion products, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 40 (3), 625-668 (2004); math/0305437, WoS: 000225026800002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-9544252940, ADS: 2003math......5437F, RINTs: 13461882, MathSciNet: 2074695, zbMath: 1095.17009.
- B. Feigin, A. Losev, B. Shoikhet, Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch theorem and Topological Quantum Mechanics, math/0401400, ADS: 2004math......1400F, InSpire: 643774.
- B.L. Feigin, Yu.S. Ilyashenko, Yu.I. Manin, S.B. Shlosman, M.A. Tsfasman, Serge G. Vlăduţ, Moscow Math. J., 4(2), 531–532 (2004).
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama, Symmetric polynomials vanishing on the diagonals shifted by roots of unity, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2003(18), 999-1014 (2003); math/0209126, WoS: 000183276500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038076122, ADS: 2002math......9126F, RINTs: 24736197, MathSciNet: 1962013, zbMath: 1090.05071.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Symmetric polynomials vanishing on the shifted diagonals and Macdonald polynomials, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2003(18), 1015-1034 (2003); math/0209042, WoS: 000183276500003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038414638, ADS: 2002math......9042F, RINTs: 24736198, MathSciNet: 1962014, zbMath: 1069.33019.
- B. Feigin, J. Hong, T. Miwa, A construction of level 1 irreducible modules for $U_q(\hat{sp}_4)$ using level 2 intertwiners for $U_q(\hat{sl}_2)$, Moscow Math. J., 3(4), 1247-1267 (2003); math/0201124, WoS: 000208594400003, Scopus: -, ADS: 2002math......1124F, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 2058798, zbMath: 1115.17007.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Bosonic formulas for (k,l)-admissible partitions, Ramanujan J., 7 (4), 485-517 (2003); math/0107054, WoS: 000188195500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4043092206, ADS: 2001math......7054F, RINTs: 13424891, MathSciNet: 2040986, zbMath: 1039.05008.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Addendum to `Bosonic formulas for (k,l)-admissible partitions' (vol 7, pg 485, 2003), Ramanujan J., 7 (4), 519-530 (2003); math/0112104, WoS: 000188195500007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4043107888, ADS: 2001math.....12104F, RINTs: 13426560, MathSciNet: 2040987, zbMath: 1039.05009.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Integriruemye $sl_2$- moduli kak beskonechnye tezornye proizvedeniya, V sb: Fundamental’naya metamatika segodnya, 304-334 (2003). Pod red. S.K. Lando i O.K. Sheinmana. M.: Izd-vo MTsNMO, 2003, 408 s. ISBN: 5-94057-112-3 [B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Integrable $\hat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}$-modules as infinite tensor products]; math/0205281, MathSciNet: 2072647.
- B.L. Feigin, Yu.S. Ilyashenko, S.K. Lando, A.B. Sossinski, M.A. Tsfasman, V.A. Vassiliev, Alexander Belavin, Moscow Math. J., 3(1), 255–256 (2003).
- B.L. Feigin, S.A. Loktev, I.Yu. Tipunin, Coinvariants for lattice VOAs and q-supernomial coefficients, Commun. Math. Phys., 229 (2), 271-292 (2002); math/0107003, WoS: 000178014600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035983011, ADS: 2002CMaPh.229..271F, RINTs: 13402985, MathSciNet: 1923175, zbMath: 1073.17010.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the slˆ2 coinvariants: Dual functional realization and recursion, Compos. Math., 134 (2), 193-241 (2002), WoS: 000178390500003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0141680357, RINTs: 13416479, MathSciNet: 1931171, zbMath: 1026.17031.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, A differential ideal of symmetric polynomials spanned by jack polynomials at β = -(r-1)/(k+1), Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2002(23), 1223-1237 (2002); math/0112127, WoS: 000176221000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0036373173, ADS: 2001math.....12127F, InSpire: 1012.05153, RINTs: 24736196, MathSciNet: 1903954, zbMath: 1012.05153.
- B. Feigin, E. Feigin, Q-characters of the tensor products in sl2-case, Moscow Math. J., 2(3), 567-588 (2002); math/0201111, WoS: 000208593500005, Scopus: -, ADS: 2002math......1111F, RINTs: 8379135, MathSciNet: 1988973, zbMath: 1027.05007.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the slˆ2 spaces of coinvariants: loop Heisenberg modules and recursion, Sel. Math., New Ser., 8 (3), 419-474 (2002), WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-11144280097, ADS: -, InSpire: -, RINTs: 13398066, MathSciNet: 1931171, zbMath: 1005.81080.
- B.L. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, Vertex operator algebra arising from the minimal series M(3,p) and monomial basis, Prog. Math. Phys., 23, 179-204 (2002) [MathPhys Odyssey 2001: Integrable models and beyond. In honor of Barry M. McCoy, dedicated to his 60th birthday. Ed. by M. Kashiwara and T. Miwa, Boston ea: Birkhäuser, 2002. ISBN 0-8176-4260-9]; math/0012193, ADS: 2000math.....12193F, MathSciNet: 1903977, zbMath: 1028.81025.
- A.A. Belavin, S.Yu. Gubanov, B.L. Feigin, Truncation of Functional Relations in the XXZ Model, Moscow Math. J., 1(2), 145-156 (2001) [A.A. Belavin, S.Yu. Gubanov, B.L. Feigin, Obryv funktsional’nykh sootnoshenii XXZ-modeli v kornyakh iz edinitsy]; hep-th/0008011, WoS: 000208587400001, Scopus: -, ADS:, InSpire: 531157, MathSciNet: 1878275, zbMath: 1038.82011.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, The slˆ(2)⊕slˆ(2)/slˆ(2) coset theory as a Hamiltonian reduction of Dˆ(2|1;α), Nucl. Phys. B 610 (3), 489-530 (2001); hep-th/0102078, WoS: 000171085200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0042871622, ADS: 2001NuPhB.610..489F, InSpire: 553113, RINTs: 13373273 , MathSciNet: 1854261, zbMath: 0971.81044.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the $\hat{sl}_2$ Spaces of Coinvariants, Transform. Groups, 6 (1), 25-52 (2001); math-ph/9908003, WoS: 000168456200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035285637, ADS:, RINTs: 13383554, MathSciNet: 1825167, zbMath: 1004.17001.
- A.M. Semikhatov, B.L. Feigin, Koset-teoriya ŝl(2) ⊕ ŝl(2)|ŝl(2) est’ gamil’tonova reduktsiya superalgebry D̂ (2|1; α), Pis’ma v ZhETF, 74 (1), 61-65 (2001) [A.M. Semikhatov, B.L. Feigin, Ŝl(2) ⊕ ŝl(2)|ŝl(2) coset theory is a Hamiltonian reduction of the D̂ (2|1; α) superalgebra, JETP Lett., 74 (1), 59-64 (2001)], WoS: 000170488600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18044402337, ADS: 2001JETPL..74...59S, InSpire: 863826, RINTs: 13376781.
- A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, B.L. Feigin, Polubeskonechnaya realizatsiya unitarnykh predstavlenii N=2 algebry i rodstvennye konstruktsii, TMF, 126(1), 3-62 (2001) [A.M. Semikhatov, I.Y. Tipunin, B.L. Feigin, Semi-infinite realization of unitary representations of the N=2 algebra and related constructions, Theor. Math. Phys., 126(1), 1-47 (2001)], WoS: 000168642200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035631135, ADS: -, RINTs: 14240811, MathSciNet: 1858195, zbMath: 0998.81032.
- S.A. Loktev, B.L. Feigin, O finitizatsii tozhdestv Gordona, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 35(1), 53–61 (2001) [B.L. Feigin, S.A. Loktev, On the finitization of the Gordon identities, Funct. Anal. Appl., 35(1), 44-51 (2001)]; math/0006221, WoS: 000170157300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035646510, ADS: 2000math......6221F, RINTs: 29495581, MathSciNet: 1840748, zbMath: 1085.17015.
- B.L. Feigin, A.V. Odesskii, Functional realization of some elliptic Hamiltonian structures and bosonization of the corresponding quantum algebras, NATO Science Series, Ser. II: Math. Phys. Chem. 35, 109-122 (2001) [Integrable Structures of Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Models of Quantum Field Theory. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dynamical Symmetries of Integrable Quantum Field Theories and Lattice Models, Kiev, Ukraine, September 25-30, 2000. Ed. by S. Pakuliak, G. von Gehlen. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, vii+335 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7183-6]; math/9912037, WoS: 000174167000007, ADS: 1999math.....12037O, MathSciNet: 1873567.
- B.L. Feigin, A.V. Odesskii, Quantized moduli spaces of the bundles on the elliptic curve and their applications, NATO Science Series, Ser. II: Math. Phys. Chem. 35, 123-137 (2001) [Integrable Structures of Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Models of Quantum Field Theory. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research workshop on dynamical symmetries of integrable quantum field theory and lattice models, Kiev, Ukraine, September 25-30, 2000. Ed. by S. Pakuliak, G. von Gehlen. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, vii+335 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7183-6]; math/9812059, WoS: 000174167000008, ADS: 1998math.....12059O, MathSciNet: 1873568.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Possible applications of the semi-infinite construction to integrable lattice models and the modular functor in CFT, Quantization, gauge theory, and strings. Vol. I. Proc. Int. Conf. dedicated to the memory of Professor Efim Fradkin, Moscow, Russia, June 5-10, 2000. Ed. by A.M. Semikhatov et al. Moscow: Scientific World, Vol. 1, pp. 488-494 (2001). ISBN 5-89176-125-4, InSpire: 551014, MathSciNet: 1979306, zbMath: 1330.81114.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, Commutant of the Dq(2|1;α) quantum group, Quantization, gauge theory, and strings. Vol. I. Proc. Int. Conf. dedicated to the memory of Professor Efim Fradkin, Moscow, Russia, June 5-10, 2000. Ed. by A.M. Semikhatov et al. Moscow: Scientific World, Vol.1, pp. 475-487 (2001). ISBN 5-89176-125-4, InSpire: 551013, MathSciNet: 1979305, zbMath: 330.81127.
- P. Bowcock, B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, A. Taormina, sℓ̂(2|1) and D̂(2|1; α) as vertex operator extensions of dual affine sℓ(2) algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 214 (3), 495-545 (2000); hep-th/9907171, WoS: 000165591400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034311278, ADS: 2000CMaPh.214..495B, InSpire: 504208, RINTs: 13347571, MathSciNet: 1800859, zbMath: 0980.17016.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Quantized W-algebra of sl(2,1) and quantum parafermions of U_q(sl(2)), J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 7 (2), 170-183 (2000); math/9802076, WoS: 000087444000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0345753787, ADS: 2000JNMP....7..170D, RINTs: 13357174, MathSciNet: 1763636, zbMath: 0962.17007.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Commutative quantum current operators, semi-infinite construction and functional models, Representation Theory 4(13), 330-341 (2000), WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85009804029, RINTs: 29477186, MathSciNet: 1773865, zbMath: 1033.17016.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and $U_q(\widehat{\germ{osp}}(1,2))$, Math. Phys. Stud. 22, 93-104 (2000) [Conférence Moshé Flato 1999: Quantization, deformations, and symmetries, Dijon, France, September 5-8, 1999. Volume II. Ed. by G. Dito and D. Sternheimer. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. ISBN 0-7923-6541-0], WoS: 000166657700007, MathSciNet: 1805907, zbMath: 1015.17013.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, A Semi-Infinite Construction of Unitary N=2 Modules, hep-th/0004066, ADS:, InSpire: 525977.
- B. Feigin, B. Shoikhet, Deformation quantization with traces and vanishing of the wheels, math/0004081, ADS: 2000math......4081F.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the ̂sl2 spaces of coinvariants II, math/0009198, ADS: 2000math......9198F.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the ̂sl2 spaces of coinvariants III, math/0012190, ADS: 2000math.....12190F.
- A.M. Semikhatov, B.L. Feigin, Rezol’venty unitarnykh predstavlenii $N=2$ algebry Virasoro v terminakh svobodnykh polei. II. Rezol’venta-babochka, TMF, 121(2), 244-257 (1999) [A.M. Semikhatov, B.L. Feigin, Free-field resolutions of unitary representations of the N=2 Virasoro algebra: II. The butterfly resolution, Theor. Math. Phys., 121(2), 1462-1472 (1999)], WoS: 000085132900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033237082, ADS: 1999TMP...121.1462S, InSpire: 515086, RINTs: 13313724 , MathSciNet: 1761915, zbMath: 1025.17008.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Integrable hierarchies and Wakimoto modules, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 194(44), 27-60 (1999) [Differential Topology, Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, and Applications: D. B. Fuchs' 60th Anniversary Collection, Edited by: Alexander Astashkevich and Serge Tabachnikov, AMS, 1999; 313 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-2032-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2032-2]; math/9902103, ADS: 1999math......2103F, InSpire: 517073, MathSciNet: 1729358.
- B. Feigin, S. Loktev, On generalized Kostka polynomials and the quantum Verlinde rule, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 194(44), 61-79 (1999) [Differential Topology, Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, and Applications: D. B. Fuchs' 60th Anniversary Collection, Edited by: Alexander Astashkevich and Serge Tabachnikov, AMS, 1999; 313 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-2032-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2032-2]; math/9812093, ADS: 1998math.....12093F, MathSciNet: 1729359, zbMath: 0974.17008.
- B. Feigin, M. Finkelberg, A. Kuznetsov, I. Mirković, Semi-infinite Flags. II. Local and global intersection cohomology of quasimaps' spaces, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 194(44), 113-148 (1999) [Differential Topology, Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, and Applications: D. B. Fuchs' 60th Anniversary Collection, Edited by: Alexander Astashkevich and Serge Tabachnikov, AMS, 1999; 313 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-2032-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2032-2]; alg-geom/9711009, ADS: 1997alg.geom.11009F, MathSciNet: 1729361, zbMath: 0921.00044.
- A. Schwarz, A. Sossinsky, C. Roger, B Feigin, S. Tabachnikov, A. Astashkevich, Appendix: Personal notes, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 194(44), 301-313 (1999) [Differential Topology, Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, and Applications: D. B. Fuchs' 60th Anniversary Collection, Edited by: Alexander Astashkevich and Serge Tabachnikov, AMS, 1999; 313 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-2032-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2032-2], MathSciNet: 1729370 , zbMath: 0960.01012.
- B. Feigin, T. Miwa, Extended vertex operator algebras and monomial bases, Series on Advances in Statistical Mechanics, 14, 366-390 (1999) [Statistical physics on the eve of the 21st century, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1999, 536 pp. ISBN10 9810236786, ISBN13 9789810236786, DOI:10.1142/3964 & 10.1142/9789814527880]; math/9901067, ADS: 1999math......1067F, InSpire: 482505, MathSciNet: 1704012, zbMath: 0949.00046.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Quantized W-algebra of sl(2,1): A construction from the quantization of screening operators, Contemp. Math. 248, 83-108 (1999) [Recent developments in quantum affine algebras and related topics. Proceedings of the international conference on representations of affine and quantum affine algebras and their applications, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 21-24, 1998. Ed. by N. Jing et al. Providence, RI: AMS, 1999. ISBN 0-8218-1199-1]; math/9801084, ADS: 1998math......1084D, InSpire: 41144, MathSciNet: 1745256, zbMath: 0952.17011.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Generalized Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and $U_q(\hat {\frak osp}(1,2))$, math/9905087, ADS: 1999math......5087D.
- B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the affine (sl-2) spaces of coinvariants, Preprint RIMS-1243, Aug 1999. 23pp, InSpire: 514066.
- B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, A. Odesskii, Ya. Pugai, Algebra of screening operators for the deformed Wn algebra, Commun. Math. Phys., 191 (3), 501-541 (1998); q-alg/9702029, WoS: 000072325700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032472514, ADS: 1998CMaPh.191..501F, InSpire: 441264, MathSciNet: 1608555, zbMath: 0952.17010.
- B. Enriquez, B. Feigin, V. Rubtsov, Separation of variables for Gaudin-Calogero systems, Compositio Mathematica, 110 (1), 1-16 (1998); q-alg/9605030, WoS: 000071999600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002023557, ADS: 1996q.alg.....5030E, InSpire: 418863, RINTs: 13298156, MathSciNet: 1601650, zbMath: 0935.32013.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, Equivalence between chain categories of representations of affine sl(2) and N=2 superconformal algebras, J. Math. Phys., 39 (7), 3865-3905 (1998); hep-th/9701043, WoS: 000075264400026, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032395819, ADS: 1998JMP....39.3865F, InSpire: 439518, MathSciNet: 1630542, zbMath: 0935.17011.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, V.A. Sirota, I.Yu. Tipunin, Resolutions and characters of irreducible representations of the N=2 superconformal algebra, Nucl. Phys. B 536 (3), 617-656 (1998); hep-th/9805179, WoS: 000077798600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032576508, ADS: 1998NuPhB.536..617F, InSpire: 470989, RINTs: 13279075, MathSciNet: 1663326, zbMath: 0948.81559.
- B. Feigin, V. Vassiliev (Editors), Topics in Quantum Groups and Finite-Type Invariants: Mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 185, AMS, 1998, 182 pp.; ISBN-10: 0-8218-1084-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-1084-2, MathSciNet: 1736159, zbMath: 0892.00020.
- B.L. Feĭgin, A.V. Odesskiĭ, Coordinate ring of the quantum Grassmannian and intertwiners for the representations of Sklyanin algebras, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 185(38), 55-64 (1998) [Topics in Quantum Groups and Finite-Type Invariants: Mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow, B. Feigin and V. Vassiliev, Editors, AMS, 1998, 182 pp.; ISBN-10: 0-8218-1084-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-1084-2], MathSciNet: 1736163, zbMath: 0923.16028.
- B.L. Feĭgin, A.V. Odesskiĭ, Vector bundles on an elliptic curve and Sklyanin algebras, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 185(38), 65-84 (1998) [Topics in Quantum Groups and Finite-Type Invariants: Mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow, B. Feigin and V. Vassiliev, Editors, AMS, 1998, 182 pp.; ISBN-10: 0-8218-1084-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-1084-2], MathSciNet: 1736164, zbMath: 0916.16014.
- B.L. Feigin, D.B. Duks, Invariant Skew-Symmetric Differential Operators on the Line and Verma Modules over the Virasoro Algebra, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 121-133 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
- B.L. Feigin, D.B. Duks, Verma Modules over the Virasoro Algebra, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 134-135 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
- B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, Free-Field Resolutions of the Unitary N=2 Super-Virasoro Representations, hep-th/9810059, ADS:, InSpire: 477589.
- A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Quantized moduli spaces of the bundles on the elliptic curve and their applications, math/9812059, ADS: 1998math.....12059O.
- B. Feigin, A. Odesskii, A family of elliptic algebras, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 1997(11), 531-539 (1997), WoS: A1997XN22700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038764719, ADS: -, RINTs: 24728719, MathSciNet: 1448336, zbMath: 0923.16027.
- A. Antonov, B. Feigin, Quantum group representations and the Baxter equation, Phys. Lett. B 392 (1-2), 115-122 (1997); hep-th/9603105, WoS: A1997WE56600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0043016617, ADS: 1997PhLB..392..115A, InSpire: 416810, RINTs: 13275420, MathSciNet: 1435226.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Quantum current operators. II. Difference equations of quantum current operators and quantum parafermion construction, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 33 (2), 285-300 (1997); q-alg/9610023, WoS: A1997XK33500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21744457397, ADS: 1996q.alg....10023D, zbMath: 0889.17008.
- A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Ellipticheskie deformatsii algebr tokov i ikh predstavleniya raznostnymi operatorami, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 31(3), 57-70 (1997) [A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Elliptic deformations of current algebras and their representations by difference operators, Funct. Anal. Appl., 31(3), 193-203 (1997)], WoS: 000073662400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-27244433380, ADS: -, MathSciNet: 1479076, zbMath: 0919.17009.
- B. Feigin, F. Malikov, Modular functor and representation theory of ˆsl2 at a rational level, Contemp. Math. 202, 357-405 (1997) [Operads: Proceedings of renaissance conferences. Special session and international conference on moduli spaces, operads, and representation theory/operads and homotopy algebra, March 1995/May--June 1995, Hartford, CT, USA/Luminy, France. Ed. bu J.-L. Loday et al. Providence, RI: AMS, 1997. ISBN 0-8218-0513-4]; q-alg/9511011, ADS: 1995q.alg....11011M, InSpire: 402652, MathSciNet: 1436927, zbMath: 0876.22018.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Quantum W-algebras and elliptic algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 178 (3), 653-677 (1996); q-alg/9508009, WoS: A1996UV58300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001356524, ADS: 1996CMaPh.178..653F, InSpire: 398508, RINTs: 13225676, MathSciNet: 1395209, zbMath: 0871.17007.
- S.A. Loktev, B.L. Feigin, Kogomologii nil’potentnykh podalgebr algebry $\widehat{sl_2}$, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 30(4), 80–83 (1996) [B.L. Feigin, S.A. Loktev, Cohomology of nilpotent subalgebras of the algebra (sl(2))over-cap, Funct. Anal. Appl., 30(4), 285-287 (1996)], WoS: A1996XE19100013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0030550551, ADS: -, InSpire: -, MathSciNet: 1444469, zbMath: 0901.17014.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Integrals of motion and quantum groups, Lect. Notes Math. 1620, 349-418 (1996) [Francaviglia, M. (ed.) et al., Integrable systems and quantum groups. Lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (CIME) held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 14-22, 1993. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996. ISBN 3-540-60542-8]; hep-th/9310022, WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS:, InSpire: 358803, MathSciNet: 1397275, zbMath: 0885.58034.
- B. Feigin, S. Parkhomenko, Regular representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras, Mathematical Physics Studies, Vol. 19, 415-424 (1996) [Algebraic and geometric methods in mathematical physics: Proc. 1st Ukrainian-French-Romanian summer school, Kaciveli, Ukraine, Sept. 1-14, 1993. Ed. by A. Boutet de Monvel, Anne and V. Marchenko, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. ISBN 0-7923-3909-6]; hep-th/9308065, WoS: A1996BE98K00024, MathSciNet: 1385697, zbMath: 0919.17020.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Quantum current operators (III): Commutative quantum current operators, semi-infinite construction and functional models, q-alg/9612009, ADS: 1996q.alg....12009D.
- J. Ding, B. Feigin, Difference equations of quantum current operators and quantum parafermion construction, q-alg/9610023, ADS: 1996q.alg....10023D.
- B. Feigin, V. Schechtman, A. Varchenko, On algebraic equations satisfied by hypergeometric correlators in WZW models. II, Commun. Math. Phys., 170 (1), 219-247 (1995); hep-th/9407010, WoS: A1995RA44200012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21844483557, ADS: 1995CMaPh.170..219F, InSpire: 374586, RINTs: 31192581.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Kac-Moody groups and integrability of soliton equations, Invent. Math., 120(2), 379-408 (1995); hep-th/9311171, WoS: A1995QV81500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0009372915, ADS:, InSpire: 360667, RINTs: 30811815, MathSciNet: 1329047.
- A.V. Antonov, B.L. Feigin, A.A. Belov, Geometrical Description of the Local Integrals of Motion of Maxwell-Bloch Equation, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 10(17), 1209-1223 (1995); hep-th/9501128, WoS: A1995RF58900005, Scopus: -, ADS: 1995MPLA...10.1209A, InSpire: 382433.
- O. Andreev, B. Feigin, On bosonization of 2d conformal field theories, Nucl. Phys. B 433 (3), 685-711 (1995); hep-th/9403081, WoS: A1995QB16500007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000578041, ADS: 1995NuPhB.433..685A, InSpire: 37553, RINTs: 30811192, MathSciNet: 1319285, zbMath: 1020.81616.
- B. Enrikes, B. L. Feigin, Integraly dvizheniya klassicheskoi sistemy sine-Gordon na reshetke, TMF, 103(3), 507-528 (1995) [B. Enriquez, B.L. Feigin, Integrals of motion of the classical lattice sine-Gordon system, Theor. Math. Phys., 103(3), 738-756 (1995)]; hep-th/9409075, WoS: A1995TP54200012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21844495659, ADS: 1995TMP...103..738E, InSpire: 376886, MathSciNet: 1472315.
- A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Ellipticheskie algebry Sklyanina. Sluchai tochki konechnogo poryadka, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 29(2), 9–21 (1995) [A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Elliptic Sklyanin algebras. The case of points of finite order, Funct. Anal. Appl., 29(2), 81-90 (1995)], WoS: A1995TH47600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249757721.
- B. Enriquez, B.L. Feigin, Integrals of motion of classical lattice sine-Gordon system, Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25, Vol. 47, 127-150, Prépubl. Inst. Rech. Math. Av., 1995/24, Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 1995. [Papers from the 57th, 58th, 59th and 60th Workshops held at the Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, December 2-4, 1993, May 26-28, 1994, December 1-3, 1994, and June 8-10, 1995], MathSciNet: 1461310.
- B.L. Feigin, A.V. Odesskii, Vector bundles on elliptic curve and Sklyanin algebras, Preprint RIMS-1032, Sep 1995. 26pp; q-alg/9509021, ADS: 995q.alg.....9021F.
- B. Feigin, V. Schechtman, A. Varchenko, On algebraic equations satisfied by hypergeometric correlators in WZW models. I, Commun. Math. Phys., 163 (1), 173-184 (1994), WoS: A1994NR68700008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21344491876, ADS: 1994CMaPh.163..173F, RINTs: 31115415, MathSciNet: 1277938.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, N. Reshetikhin, Gaudin model, Bethe ansatz and critical level., Commun. Math. Phys., 166 (1), 27-62 (1994); hep-th/9402022, WoS: A1994PZ75200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21844490831, ADS: 1994CMaPh.166...27F, InSpire: 371500, RINTs: 31146216, MathSciNet: 1309540, zbMath: 0812.35103.
- B. Feigin, F. Malikov, Fusion algebra at a rational level and cohomology of nilpotent subalgebras of sl2, Lett. Math. Phys., 31 (4), 315-325 (1994); hep-th/9310004, WoS: A1994PG73300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001394103, ADS: 1994LMaPh..31..315F, InSpire: 35962, RINTs: 30800273, MathSciNet: 1293496.
- A.V. Stoyanovskii, B.L. Feigin, Funktsional’nye modeli predstavlenii algebr tokov i polubeskonechnye kletki Shuberta, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 28(1), 68–90 (1994) [A.V. Stoyanovsky, B.L. Feigin, Functional models for representations of current algebras and semi-infinite Schubert cells, Funct. Anal. Appl., 28(1), 55–72 (1994)], WoS: A1994NW89900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249758545.
- A.V. Stoyanovskii, B.L. Feigin, Realizatsiya modulyarnogo funktora v prostranstve differentsialov i geometricheskaya approksimatsiya mnogoobraziya modulei G-rassloenii, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 28(4), 42-65 (1994) [A.V. Stoyanovsky, B.L. Feigin, A realization of the modular functor in the space of differentials and the geometric approximation of the moduli space of G-bundles, Funct. Anal. Appl., 28(4), 257-275 (1994)], WoS: A1994QZ85000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001061431.
- A.V. Odessky, B.L. Feigin, Sklyanin elliptic algebras. The Case of points of finite order, Preprint RIMS-986, Jul 1994. 15pp.
- A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Konstruktsii ellipticheskikh algebr Sklyanina i kvantovykh R-matrits, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 27(1), 37–45 (1993) [A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Constructions of Sklyanin elliptic algebras and quantum R-Matrices, Funct. Anal. Appl., 27(1), 31–38 (1993)], WoS: A1993LQ87700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249764695, MathSciNet: 1225909.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Coinvariants of nilpotent subalgebras of the Virasoro algebra and partition identities, Adv. Sov. Math., 16, 139-148 (1993) [I. M. Gelfand Seminar. Ed. by Sergei Gelfand and Simon Gindikin. AMS, 1993, 449 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-4117-3]; hep-th/9301039, ADS:, InSpire: 34300, MathSciNet: 1237828.
- B. Feigin, F. Malikov, Integral Intertwining Operators and Complex Powers of Differential and q-difference Operators, Adv. Sov. Math., 17, 15-63 (1993) [Unconventional Lie Algebras. Ed. by Dmitry Fuchs, AMS., Providence, RI, 1993, 216 pp]. ISBN: 0-8218-4121-1; hep-th/9306137, ADS:, InSpire: 35296, MathSciNet: 1254725.
- B.L. Feigin, A.V. Stoyanovsky, Quasi-particles models for the representations of Lie algebras and geometry of flag manifold., hep-th/9308079.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level and Gelfand-Dikii algebras, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 7, Suppl. 1A, 197-215 (1992), WoS: A1992JZ40800009, Scopus: -, ADS: 1992IJMPA...7S.197F.
- B.L. Feigin, T. Nakanishi, H. Ooguri, The annihilating ideals of minimal models, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 7, Suppl. 1A, 217-238 (1992), WoS: A1992JZ40800010, Scopus: -, ADS: 1992IJMPA...7S.217F, InSpire: 320727.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Free field resolutions in affine Toda field theories, Phys. Lett. B 276 (1-2), 79-86 (1992), WoS: A1992HH83000013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002243851, ADS: 1992PhLB..276...79F, InSpire: 319860, RINTs: 30811899, MathSciNet: 1153194.
- B.L. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level and Gelfand-Dikii algebras, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 16 [Infinite analysis, Part A, B (Kyoto, 1991)], 197-215, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1992, MathSciNet: 1187549.
- B.L. Feigin, T. Nakanishi, H. Ooguri, The annihilating ideals of minimal models, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 16 [Infinite analysis, Part A, B (Kyoto, 1991)], 217-238, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1992, MathSciNet: 1187550.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Semi-infinite Weil complex and the Virasoro algebra, Commun. Math. Phys., 137 (3), 617-639 (1991) [Erratum — ibid, 147 (3), 647-648 (1992)], WoS: A1991FK06400010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010769661, ADS: 1991CMaPh.137..617F, RINTs: 30813341, MathSciNet: 1105434.
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Duality in W-algebras, Int. Math. Res. Notices, no.6, 75-82 (1991), WoS: A1991GR92700013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002470543, RINTs: 30862264, MathSciNet: 1136408.
- B.L. Feigin, Differential operators on the moduli space of G-bundles on algebraic curve and Lie algebra cohomologies, In: Special functions (Okayama, 1990), 90-103, ICM-90 Satellite Conf. Proc., Springer, Tokyo, 1991..
- B.L. Feigin, Conformal field theory and cohomologies of the Lie algebra of holomorphic vector fields on a complex curve, Proc. Int. Congress of Mathematicians (IICM-90), Kyoto, Japan, 21-29 August 1990, Vol.1, 71-85 (1991). Ed. by I. Satake, Springer-Verlag, 1991, lxxxvi, 768 p. ISBN 4-431-70047-1, MathSciNet: 1159206.
- B.L. Feigin, E.V. Frenkel, Affine Kac-Moody algebras and semi-infinite flag manifolds, Commun. Math. Phys., 128 (1), 161-189 (1990).
- B.L. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras, bosonization and resolutions, Lett. Math. Phys. 19(4), 307-317 (1990).
- B.L. Feigin, V.V. Schechtman, A.N. Varchenko, On algebraic equations satisfied by correlators in Wess-Zumino-Witten models, Lett. Math. Phys. 20(4), 291-297 (1990).
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Bosonic ghost system and the Virasoro algebra, Phys. Lett. B 246(1-2), 71-74 (1990).
- B. Feigin, E. Frenkel, Quantization of the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction, Phys. Lett. B 246(1-2), 75-81 (1990).
- B.L. Feigin, D.B. Fuchs, Representations of the Virasoro algebra., Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math., 7 [Representation of Lie groups and related topics], 465-554, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1990.
- B.L. Feigin, E.V. Frenkel, Representations of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras and Bosonization, In: Physics and Mathematics of Strings (Memorial Volume for Vadim Knizhnik), 271-316 (1990). Ed. L.Brink, D.Friedan, A.M. Polyakov, World Scientific, 1990, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0980-4 [Research reports in physics].
- B. Feigin, Schechtman, V., The honour to V. Knizhnik, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), Suppl. No. 21, 9-10 (1989).
- Feĭgin, Boris, Tsygan, Boris, Riemann-Roch theorem and Lie algebra cohomology. I, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), Suppl. No. 21, 15–52 (1989).
- B. Feigin, A. Fialowski, Cohomology of the nilpotent subalgebras of current Lie algebras, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 24(1), 1-9 (1989).
- A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Ellipticheskie algebry Sklyanina, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 23(3), 45–54 (1989) [A.V. Odesskii, B.L. Feigin, Sklyanin elliptic algebras, Funct. Anal. Appl., 23(3), 207–214 (1989)].
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- B.L. Feigin, D.A. Leites, V.V. Serganova, Kac-Moody superalgebras, In: Group theoretical methods in physics, Vol. 1-3 (Zvenigorod, 1982), 631-637, Harwood Academic Publ., Chur, 1985.
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- I.M. Gel’fand, B.L. Feigin, D.B. Fuks, Kogomologii beskonechnomernykh algebr Li i operatory Laplasa, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 12(4), 1–5 (1978) [I.M. Gel’fand, B.L. Feigin, D.B. Fuks, Cohomology of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and Laplace operators, Funct. Anal. Appl., 12(4), 243-247 (1979)].
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- I.M. Gel’fand, B.L. Feigin, D.B. Fuks, Kogomologii algebry Li formal’nykh vektornykh polei s koeffitsientami v sopryazhennom s nei prostranstve i variatsii kharakteristicheskikh klassov sloenii, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 8(2), 13–29 (1974) [I.M. Gel’fand, B.L. Feigin, D.B. Fuks, Cohomologies of the Lie algebra of formal vector fields with coefficients in its adjoint space and variations of characteristic classes of foliations, Funct. Anal. Appl., 8(2), 99-112 (1974)].