Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Daniil S. Antonenko

Junior researcher

Ph. D.

Mobile phone: +79652258777


    1. Jeremy Strockoz, Daniil S. Antonenko, Dmitri LaBelle, Jorn W. F. Venderbos, Excitonic instability towards a Potts-nematic quantum paramagnet, Phys. Rev. Research 8(2), 023934 (2024); arXiv:2211.11739, ADS: 2024PhRvR...6b3034S.
    2. Daniil S. Antonenko, Rafael M. Fernandes, Jorn W. F. Venderbos, Mirror Chern Bands and Weyl Nodal Loops in Altermagnets, 10.48550/arXiv.2402.10201; arXiv:2402.10201, ADS: 2024arXiv240210201A.
    3. D.S. Antonenko, E. Khalaf, P.M. Ostrovsky, M.A. Skvortsov, Anderson localization at the boundary of a two-dimensional topological superconductor, Phys. Rev. B 107, 075417 (2023); arXiv:2112.06890, WoS: 000972005400003, ADS: 2023PhRvB.107g5417A.
    4. Zhuoliang Ni, Daniil S. Antonenko, W. Joe Meese, Qi Tian, Nan Huang, Amanda V. Haglund, Matthew Cothrine, David G. Mandrus, Rafael M. Fernandes, Jörn W. F. Venderbos, Liang Wu, Signatures of Z3 Vestigial Potts-nematic order in van der Waals antiferromagnets, arXiv:2308.07249, ADS: 2023arXiv230807249N.
    5. D. Antonenko, P. Ostrovsky, M. Skvortsov, Emergent inhomogeneity in dirty superconductors: microscopic theory, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 67, No.3, A57.00005 (2022) [APS March Meeting, March 14–18, 2022, Chicago, abstract id.A57.005], ADS: 2022APS..MARA57005A.
    6. D.S. Antonenko, M.A. Skvortsov, Ballistic correction to the density of states in an interacting three-dimensional metal, Phys. Rev. B 101, 064204 (2020); arXiv:1910.04715, WoS: 000513182300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85079757625, ADS: 2020PhRvB.101f4204A, RINTs: 43249107.
    7. D.S. Antonenko, E. Khalaf, P.M. Ostrovsky, M.A. Skvortsov, Mesoscopic conductance fluctuations and noise in disordered Majorana wires, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195152 (2020); arXiv:2007.10815, WoS: 000594086800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097131886, ADS: 2020PhRvB.102s5152A, RINTs: 45106484.
    8. D.S. Antonenko, M.A. Skvortsov, Podavlenie sverkhprovodimosti v neuporyadochennykh plenkakh: konkurentsiya dvumernoi diffuzii i trekhmernoi ballistiki, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 112 (7), 466-474 (2020) [D.S. Antonenko, M.A. Skvortsov, Suppression of superconductivity in disordered films: Interplay of two-dimensional diffusion and three-dimensional ballistics, JETP Letters, 112(7), 428-436 (2020)]; arXiv:2009.06763, WoS: 000574711200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091825946, ADS: 2020JETPL.112..428A, RINTs: 44054896.
    9. B. Dutta, J. T. Peltonen, D.S. Antonenko, M. Meschke, M.A. Skvortsov, B. Kubala, J. König, C.B. Winkelmann, H. Courtois, J.P. Pekola, Thermal Conductance of a Single-Electron Transistor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 077701 (2017); arXiv:1704.02622, WoS: 000407557700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85028325863, ADS: 2017PhRvL.119g7701D, RINTs: 31072154.
    10. D.S. Antonenko, M.A. Skvortsov, Quantum decay of the supercurrent and intrinsic capacitance of Josephson junctions beyond the tunnel limit, Phys. Rev. B 92, 214513 (2015); arXiv:1509.03290, WoS: 000367374200009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84953439879, ADS: 2015PhRvB..92u4513A, RINTs: 26884346.