Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Anton Yu. Men’shutin

Junior researcher

Ph. D.

Work phone: (49652) 49227
Skype: antonmenshutin


    1. O. Klimenkova, A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, Variable-step-length algorithms for a random walk: Hitting probability and computation performance, Computer Phys. Commun., 241, 28-32 (2019); arXiv:1811.03788, WoS: 000473380200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85064160909, ADS: 2019CoPhC.241...28K, RINTs: 38696509, MathSciNet: 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.04.001.
    2. O. Klimenkova, A. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, Influence of the random walk finite step on the first-passage probability, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 955, 012009 (2018) [Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond (CSP2017), 9-12 Oct., 2017, Moscow]; arXiv:1712.02620, WoS: 000446022300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85042299503, ADS: 2018JPhCS.955a2009K, RINTs: 35489313.
    3. A.Yu. Men’shutin, L.N. Shchur, Mnogomernoe obobshchenie modeli Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA), v knige "Vychislitel’nye tekhnologii v estestvennykh naukakh. Metody superkomp’yuternogo modelirovaniya" / Pod red. R.R. Nazirova, L.N. Shchura. M. : IKI RAN, 2014, str. 110-120.
    4. A.Yu. Men’shutin, K voprosu o minimal’noi veroyatnosti rosta v zadache AOD, Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo, № 2(2), 46-51 (2013), RINTs: 21206044.
    5. A. Menshutin, Scaling in the Diffusion Limited Aggregation Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 015501 (2012) [5 pages], WoS: 000298927400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855498870, ADS: 2012PhRvL.108a5501M, RINTs: 17973673.
    6. C.K. Shikota, A.Yu. Men’shutin, L.N. Shchur, Programmno-apparatnaya platforma dlya nauchnykh issledovanii v oblasti vychislitel’noi fiziki, Programmnaya inzheneriya, №9, 16-22 (2012), RINTs: 18265541.
    7. A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, Morphological diagram of diffusion driven aggregate growth in plane: Competition of anisotropy and adhesion, Computer Phys. Communs., 182(9), 1819-1823 (2011); arXiv:1008.3449, WoS: 000292675100015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79958138452, ADS: 2011CoPhC.182.1819M, RINTs: 16998163.
    8. S.K. Shikota, A.Yu. Men’shutin, S.A. Krashakov, M.V. Grigor’eva, L.N. Shchur, Sistema provedeniya videoseminarov VideoGrid, Mekhanika, upravlenie i informatika, №4, 137-147 (2011) [Vychislitel’nye tekhnologii v estestvennykh naukakh. Sistemy global’nogo masshtaba: Trudy seminara, Tarusa, 9-11 iyunya 2010. Pod red. R.R. Nazirova, L.N. Shchura], RINTs: 17276799, EDN: OOBTYR.
    9. L.N. Shchur, A.Yu. Men’shutin, S.K. Shikota, Infokommunikatsionnoe obespechenie issledovatel’skogo tsentra: zadachi i infrastruktura, Informatsionnoe obshchestvo, №6, 56-63 (2011), RINTs: 17821979.
    10. A.Yu. Menshutin, S.A. Krashakov, S.K. Shikota, M.V. Grigoreva, L.N. Shchur, Distributed archive of open source software: Technology overview and future work, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. “Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education”, Dubna, 28 June-3 July, 2010.
    11. L.N. Shchur, S.A. Krashakov, A.Yu. Men’shutin, V.L. Shchur, S.K. Shikota, M.V. Grigor’eva, Arkhiv svobodno rasprostranyaemogo programmnogo obespecheniya analiz 15-letnego opyta, Trudy XII Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii RCDL'2010 "Elektronnye biblioteki: perspektivnye metody i tekhnologii, elektronnye kollektsii", Kazan’, 13-17 oktyabrya 2010, str. 242-245.
    12. A.Yu. Men’shutin, L.N. Shchur, Kriticheskie yavleniya pri roste dvumernykh struktur, Trudy Seminara po vychislitel’nym tekhnologiyam v estestvennykh naukakh. Vyp. 1. Vychislitel’naya fizika / Pod red. R. R. Nazirova. M. : Izd-vo KDU, 2009, str.225-239.
    13. A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, V.M. Vinokour, Finite size effect of harmonic measure estimation in a DLA model: Variable size of probe particles, Physica A 387(25), 6299-6309 (2008); arXiv:0810.0126, WoS: 000259794600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-50849097220, ADS: 2008PhyA..387.6299M, RINTs: 13589667.
    14. A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, V.M. Vinokur, Probing surface characteristics of diffusion-limited-aggregation clusters with particles of variable size, Phys. Rev. E 75, 010401(R) (2007) (4 pages), WoS: 000243893400002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33846677089, ADS: 2007PhRvE..75a0401M, RINTs: 13542832, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: -.
    15. A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, Test of multiscaling in a diffusion-limited-aggregation model using an off-lattice killing-free algorithm, Phys. Rev. E 73, 011407 (2006) (8 pages); cond-mat/0504338, WoS: 000235008500035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-32844464256, ADS: 2006PhRvE..73a1407M, RINTs: 13512971.
    16. A.Yu. Menshutin, L.N. Shchur, V.M. Vinokur, Variable size particle probing of the DLA cluster properties, cond-mat/0611005.