Aleksander A. Belavin
Principal researcher Corresponding member of RAS Professor
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- A. Belavin, S. Parkhomenko, Mirror symmetry and new approach to constructing orbifolds of Gepner models, Nuclear Physics B 998, 116431 (2024); arXiv:2311.15403, ADS: 2024NuPhB.99816431B, InSpire: 2726691, zbMath: 07794692.
- A. Belavin, S. Parkhomenko, Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models, Nuclear Physics, Section B 1006, 116654 (2024); arXiv:2406.15144, ADS: 2024NuPhB100616654B, InSpire: 2801238.
- A.A. Belavin, D.R. Gepner, Equivalence of Deformations of Berglund Hübsch Mirror Pairs, Nucl. Phys. B 1008, 116695 (2024); arXiv:2408.15182, ADS: 2024arXiv240815182B, InSpire: 2822180.
- Alexander Belavin, Doron Gepner, Relationship between two Calabi-Yau orbifolds arising as hyper-surfaces in a quotient of the same weighted projective space, Nuclear Physics B 994, 116313 (2023); arXiv:2306.06667, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85169836181, ADS: 2023NuPhB.99416313B, InSpire: 2668020, MathSciNet: 4623994, zbMath: 7735272.
- A. Belavin, B. Eremin, S. Parkhomenko, Review on special geometry and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau manifolds (Mini-review), Pis’ma v ZhETF, 118(10), 711-712 (2023) [Review on special geometry and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau manifolds (Brief Review), JETP Letters, 118(10), 701-709 (2023)], ADS: 2023JETPL.118..701B, InSpire: 2746630, RINTs: 54666450, EDN: pihhac.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, S. Parkhomenko, Explicit construction of N=2 SCFT orbifold models. Spectral flow and mutual locality, Nuclear Physics B 982, 115891 (2022); arXiv:2206.03472, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85134486871, ADS: 2022NuPhB.98215891B, InSpire: 2092655, MathSciNet: 4452744, zbMath: 1500.81063.
- A. Artemev, A. Belavin, Five-point correlation numbers in minimal Liouville gravity and matrix models, Nuclear Physics B 985, 116019 (2022); arXiv:2207.01665, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85142133755, ADS: 2022NuPhB.98516019A, InSpire: 2106139, MathSciNet: 4513119, zbMath: 1516.83005.
- A.A. Artem’ev, A.A. Belavin, Pyatitochechnye korrelyatsionnye chisla v minimal’noi Liuvillevskoi gravitatsii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 116 (9), 579-585 (2022) [A. Artemev, A. Belavin, Five-point correlation numbers in minimal Liouville gravity, JETP Letters, 116(9), 600-607 (2022)], ADS: 2022JETPL.116..600A, InSpire: 2612448, RINTs: 49744411, EDN: LGKGUP.
- A.A. Belavin, B.A. Eremin, Mnozhestvennye zerkala i JKLMR-gipoteza, TMF, 213(1), 149-162 (2022) [A.A. Belavin, B.A. Eremin, Multiple mirrors and the JKLMR conjecture, Theor. Math. Phys., 213(1), 1441-1452 (2022)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-85140466363, ADS: 2022TMP...213.1441B, InSpire: 2165082, RINTs: 49471139, MathSciNet: 4538864, zbMath: 1516.81164, EDN: RMAMNJ.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, G. Koshevoy, Periods of the multiple Berglund–Hübsch–Krawitz mirrors, Lett. Math. Phys. 111(4), art. 93 (2021); arXiv:2012.03320, WoS: 000673455600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85110493640, ADS: 2021LMaPh.111...93B, InSpire: 1835612, RINTs: 46911844, MathSciNet: 4286264, zbMath: 1467.14098.
- A.A. Belavin, S.E. Parkhomenko, Yavnaya konstruktsiya N=2 superkonformnykh orbifoldov, TMF, 209(1), 59-81 (2021) [A.A. Belavin, S.E. Parkhomenko, Explicit construction of N = 2 superconformal orbifolds, Theoret. Math. Phys., 209(1), 1367-1386 (2021)], WoS: 000708924700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85117611165, ADS: 2021TMP...209.1367B, RINTs: 46664900, MathSciNet: 4324113, zbMath: 1482.81033.
- A. Belavin, Special geometry on the moduli space of the Calabi-Yau threefolds (dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Gribov), Gribov-90 Memorial Volume: Field Theory, Symmetry, and Related Topics. Proceedings of the Memorial Workshop Devoted to the 90th Birthday of V.N. Gribov. World Scientific, p. 407-418 (2021), Scopus: 2-s2.0-85115712331, ADS: -, RINTs: 47076907.
- A. Belavin, B. Eremin, On the equivalence of Batyrev and BHK mirror symmetry constructions, Nuclear Physics B 961, 115271 (2020); arXiv:2010.07687, WoS: 000613246700034, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097733326, ADS: 2020NuPhB.96115271B, InSpire: 1822923, RINTs: 45080330, MathSciNet: 4187292, zbMath: 1473.14075.
- A. Belavin, B. Eremin, Zerkal’nye pary orbifoldov Kvintiki, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 112 (6), 388-393 (2020) [A. Belavin, B. Eremin, Mirror Pairs of Quintic Orbifolds, JETP Letters, 112(6), 370-375 (2020)], WoS: 000593001500009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85096561089, ADS: 2020JETPL.112..370B, InSpire: 1833962, RINTs: 43909958.
- A.A. Belavin, M.Yu. Belakovskii, Sovpadeniya semeistv Kalabi–Yau tipa Berglunda–Khubsha i mnogogranniki Batyreva, TMF, 205(2), 222-241 (2020) [M. Belakovskiy, A. Belavin, Coincidences between Calabi-Yau manifolds of Berglund-Hübsch type and Batyrev polytopes, Theoret. Math. Phys., 205(2), 1439-1455 (2020)]; arXiv:2005.06008, WoS: 000592185000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85096551554, ADS: 2020TMP...205.1439B, InSpire: 1796194, RINTs: 46685356, MathSciNet: 4169738, zbMath: 1453.81051.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, A. Litvinov, JKLMR conjecture and Batyrev construction, J. Stat. Mech., 1903, 034003 (2019); arXiv:1812.00478, WoS: 000462117900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85065669417, ADS: 2019JSMTE..03.4003A, InSpire: 1706175, RINTs: 38733271, MathSciNet: 3952887, zbMath: 07382791.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, GLSM for Berglund-Hübsch Type Calabi-Yau manifolds, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 110(11), 727-728 (2019) [K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, Gauge Linear Sigma Model for Berglund-Hübsch-Type Calabi-Yau Manifolds, JETP Letters, 110(11), 711-714 (2019)]; arXiv:1911.11678, WoS: 000514797900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076231992, ADS: 2020JETPL.110..711A, InSpire: 1767176, RINTs: 41575535.
- A.A. Belavin, B.A. Eremin, Statisticheskaya summa N=(2,2) supersimmetrichnykh modelei i spetsial’naya geometriya na prostranstve modulei mnogoobrazii Kalabi–Yau, TMF, 201(2), 222-231 (2019) [A.A. Belavin, B.A. Eremin, Partition Functions of N=(2,2) Supersymmetric Sigma Models and Special Geometry on the Moduli Spaces of Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Theoret. Math. Phys., 201(2), 1606-1613 (2019)]; arXiv:1907.11102, WoS: 000512957100005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076373243, ADS: 2019TMP...201.1606B, InSpire: 1746318, RINTs: 41593134, MathSciNet: 4036817, zbMath: 1441.81138.
- A. Belavin, Special geometry on Calabi–Yau moduli spaces and Q-invariant Milnor rings, Proc. Int. Congress of Mathematicians (ICM2018), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-9 August 2018. World Scientific, Vol. 3: Invited lectures, 2567-2580 (2019); arXiv:1808.05470, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85086315064, ADS: 2018arXiv180805470B, InSpire: 1687816, RINTs: 43305747, MathSciNet: 3966862, zbMath: 1447.32041.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, Special geometry on the 101 dimensional moduli space of the quintic threefold, J. High Energy Phys., 1803, 018 (2018); arXiv:1710.11609, WoS: 000426798500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85043386803, ADS: 2018JHEP...03..018A, InSpire: 1633634, RINTs: 35497369, MathSciNet: 3798567, zbMath: 1387.83073.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, A new approach for computing the geometry of the moduli spaces for a Calabi-Yau manifold, J. Phys. A 51, 055403 (2018); arXiv:1706.05342, WoS: 000419335900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85040378529, ADS: 2018JPhA...51e5403A, InSpire: 1605600, RINTs: 35517034, MathSciNet: 3755579, zbMath: 1387.81280.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, Special geometry on the moduli space for the two-moduli non-Fermat Calabi-Yau, Physics Letters B 776, 139–144 (2018); arXiv:1708.08362, WoS: 000419641100022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85035122008, ADS: 2018PhLB..776..139A, InSpire: 1620247, RINTs: 31065340, MathSciNet: 3741463, zbMath: 1380.81259.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, Exact computation of the Special geometry for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces of Fermat type, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 108(10), 723-724 (2018) [JETP Lett., 108(10), 705-709 (2018)]; arXiv:1806.02772, WoS: 000459432300011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85057137500, ADS: 2018JETPL.108..705A, InSpire: 1676858, RINTs: 36517568.
- K. Aleshkin, A. Belavin, A. Litvinov, Two-sphere partition functions and Kähler potentials on CY moduli spaces, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 108(10), 725 (2018) [JETP Lett., 108(10), 710-713 (2018)], WoS: 000459432300012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85057089886, ADS: 2018JETPL.108..710A, InSpire: 1713673, RINTs: 36517569.
- A.A. Belavin, V.A. Belavin, Minimal string theory and the Douglas equation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 31(28-29), 1645038 (2016) [17 pages] [Proc. Gribov-85 Memorial Workshop on Theoretical Physics of XXI Century, Chernogolovka, Russia, June 7-20, 2015], WoS: 000386923700039, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84992420245, ADS: 2016IJMPA..3145038B, InSpire: 1494723, RINTs: 27577791, zbMath: 1351.83058.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, Flat structures on the deformations of Gepner chiral rings, J. High Energy Phys. 1610, 128 (2016); arXiv:1606.07376, WoS: 000387074400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84994018014, ADS: 2016JHEP...10..128B, InSpire: 1471870, RINTs: 27587546, MathSciNet: 3578553, zbMath: 1390.83243.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, On exact solution of topological CFT models based on Kazama–Suzuki cosets, J. Phys. A 49, 41LT02 (2016); arXiv:1606.05366, WoS: 000384566300018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84991288260, ADS: 2016JPhA...49OLT02B, InSpire: 1471111, RINTs: 27572948, MathSciNet: 3556185, zbMath: 1349.81169.
- A. Belavin, L. Spodyneiko, Flat structures on Frobenius Manifolds in the case of irrelevant deformations, J. Phys. A 49, 495401 (2016); arXiv:1608.02284, WoS: 000388726100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84999663752, ADS: 2016JPhA...49W5401B, InSpire: 1479987, RINTs: 27582461, MathSciNet: 3584395, zbMath: 1357.81147.
- A. Belavin, D. Gepner, Ya. Kononov, Flat coordinates of topological CFT and solutions of Gauss-Manin system, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 103 (3), 168-172 (2016) [Flat coordinates of topological conformal field theory and solutions of the Gauss–Manin system, JETP Letters, 103(3), 152-156 (2016)], WoS: 000376108100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84979582117, ADS: 2016JETPL.103..152B, InSpire: 1459472, RINTs: 26125153.
- A.A. Belavin, D. Gepner, Ya.A. Kononov, Ploskie koordinaty frobeniusovykh mnogoobrazii Saito i teorii strun, TMF, 189(3), 429-445 (2016) [A. Belavin, D. Gepner, Ya. Kononov, Flat coordinates for Saito Frobenius manifolds and String theory, Theor. Math. Phys., 189(3), 1775-1789 (2016)]; arXiv:1510.06970, WoS: 000392087200009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85008608265, ADS: 2016TMP...189.1775B, InSpire: 1400616, RINTs: 27485073, MathSciNet: 3589046, zbMath: 1358.81147.
- A.A. Belavin, V.A. Belavin, Minimal string theory and the Douglas equation, In: Gribov-85 memorial volume: Exploring Quantum Field Theory. Proceedings of the memorial workshop devoted to the 85th birthday of V. N. Gribov, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, June 17–20, 2015. Ed. by Yu.L. Dokshitzer, P. Levai, J, Nyiri. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-3141-69-8/hbk; 978-981-3141-71-1/ebook). p.379-398 (2016), ADS: 2017eqft.proc..379B, zbMath: 1365.81091.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, Minimal Liouville gravity from Douglas string equation, Moscow Math. J., 15(2), 269-282 (2015), WoS: 000361607300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84937042433, ADS: -, InSpire: -, RINTs: 23990443, MathSciNet: 3427423, zbMath: 1336.81070.
- A.A. Belavin, L.A. Spodyneiko, Prostranstvenno-vremennaya supersimmetriya v desyatimernoi teorii strun v podkhode Gepnera, TMF, 185(2), 329-345 (2015) [A.A. Belavin, L.A. Spodyneiko, Gepner approach to space–time supersymmetry in ten-dimensional string theory, Theor. Math. Phys., 185(2), 1649–1664 (2015)], WoS: 000366113400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84949220667, ADS: 2015TMP...185.1649B, InSpire: 1409020, RINTs: 24850734, MathSciNet: 3438623, zbMath: 1332.81168.
- A.A. Belavin, A.G. Kulakov, G.M. Tarnopol’skii, Lektsii po teoreticheskoi fizike, 3-e izd., ispr. i dop., M.: MTsNMO, 2015 - 252 s. ISBN 978-5-4439-0289-0.
- A. Belavin, L. Spodyneiko, N = 2 superconformal algebra in NSR string and Gepner approach to space-time supersymmetry in ten dimensions, arXiv:1507.01911, ADS: 2015arXiv150701911B, InSpire: 1381809.
- A. Belavin, B. Dubrovin, B. Mukhametzhanov, Minimal Liouville gravity correlation numbers from Douglas string equation, J. High Energy Phys., 1401, 156 (2014); arXiv:1310.5659, WoS: 000346240600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893833039, ADS: 2014JHEP...01..156B, InSpire: 1261455, RINTs: 24934450, MathSciNet: 3171571, zbMath: 1333.83172.
- A.A. Belavin, V.A. Belavin, Frobenius manifolds, integrable hierarchies and minimal Liouville gravity, J. High Energy Phys., 1409, 151 (2014); arXiv:1406.6661, WoS: 000342504700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84919915501, ADS: 2014JHEP...09..151B, InSpire: 1303127, RINTs: 24945556, MathSciNet: 3267928, zbMath: 1333.83171.
- A. Belavin, B. Mukhametzhanov, Douglas Approach to Liouville Minimal Gravity, In: Pomeranchuk 100. Edited by A.S. Gorsky & M.I. Vysotsky. World Scientific, Chapt.1, pp. 1-24 (2014) [Proc. mini-Conference devoted to the 100-th anniversary of Isaak Pomeranchuk, ITEP, June 5-6, 2013. World Scientific, 2014, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4616-84-3 (hardcover); ISBN: 978-981-4616-86-7 (ebook)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-85013361175, ADS: 2014pomh.conf....1B, InSpire: 1324534, RINTs: 29484238.
- A.A. Belavin, M.A. Bershtein, B.L. Feigin, A.V. Litvinov, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Instanton moduli spaces and bases in coset conformal field theory, Commun. Math. Phys., 319(1), 269-301 (2013); arXiv:1111.2803, WoS: 000316490100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84868216610, ADS: 2013CMaPh.319..269B, InSpire: 945528, RINTs: 28673976, MathSciNet: 3034031, zbMath: 1263.81252.
- A. Belavin, B. Mukhametzhanov, N = 1 superconformal blocks with Ramond fields from AGT correspondence, J. High Energy Phys, 1301, 178 (2013); arXiv:1210.7454, WoS: 000315583600097, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84873306891, ADS: 2013JHEP...01..178B, InSpire: 1193982, RINTs: 24935086, MathSciNet: 3045475, zbMath: 1342.81478.
- A.A. Belavin, M.A. Bershtein, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Bases in coset conformal field theory from AGT correspondence and Macdonald polynomials at the roots of unity, J. High Energy Phys., 1303, 019 (2013); arXiv:1211.2788, WoS: 000317521200019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84876268456, ADS: 2013JHEP...03..019B, InSpire: 1202334, RINTs: 24948759, MathSciNet: 3046746, zbMath: 1342.81173.
- M.N. Alfimov, A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Coset conformal field theory and instanton counting on ℂ2/ℤp, J. High Energy Phys., 1308, 134 (2013); arXiv:1306.3938, WoS: 000324114000035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884559738, ADS: 2013JHEP...08..134A, InSpire: 1238850, RINTs: 24939965, MathSciNet: 3106304, zbMath: 1342.81473.
- A.A. Belavin, D.R. Gepner, Generalized Rogers Ramanujan Identities Motivated by AGT Correspondence, Lett. Math. Phys., 103(12), 1399-1407 (2013); arXiv:1212.6600, WoS: 000325808200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885899749, ADS: 2013LMaPh.103.1399B, InSpire: 1208943, RINTs: 21883158, MathSciNet: 3117255, zbMath: 1331.81252.
- A. Belavin, Ya. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.), Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions: Collected works of Alexei Zamolodchikov. In 2 volumes., World Scientific, 2012, Vol. 1: xii+413 pp.; Vol. 2: pp. i–xii and 417–1045. ISBN: 978-981-4324-07-6 9 (Vol. 1); ISBN: 978-981-4324-08-3 9 (Vol. 2), MathSciNet: 3287583, zbMath: 1262.81003.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, M. Bershtein, Instantons and 2d superconformal field theory, J. High Energy Phys., 1109, 117 (2011); arXiv:1106.4001, WoS: 000296086700026, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84990008615, ADS: 2011JHEP...09..117B, InSpire: 914245, RINTs: 31015991, MathSciNet: 2889839, zbMath: 1301.81102.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, AGT conjecture and integrable structure of conformal field theory for c=1, Nucl. Phys. B 850(1), 199-213 (2011); arXiv:1102.0343, WoS: 000292409600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79957521209, ADS: 2011NuPhB.850..199B, InSpire: 886538, RINTs: 17003649, MathSciNet: 2803594, zbMath: 1215.81096.
- A. Belavin, M. Bershtein, G. Tarnopolsky, A remark on the three approaches to 2D quantum gravity, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 93 (2), 51-55 (2011) [JETP Lett., 93(2), 47-51 (2011)]; arXiv:1010.2222, WoS: 000288864500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79953139922, ADS: 2011JETPL..93...47B, InSpire: 872499, RINTs: 15633666.
- A. Belavin, Two dimensional gravity in matrix model, topological and Liouville approaches, In: Gribov-80 Memorial Volume: Quantum Chromodynamics and Beyond. Ed. by Yu.L. Dokshitzer, P. Lévai, J. Nyíri. World Scientific, 455-470 (2011) [Proc. Memorial Workshop Devoted to the 80th Birthday of V.N. Gribov, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 26–28 May 2010. World Scientific, 2011, xiii,582 pp. ISBN 978-981-4350-18-1 (hardcover), 978-981-4350-19-8 (ebook)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885941457, ADS: 2011qcb..conf..455B, InSpire: 1120623, RINTs: 21879575.
- A. Belavin, Lars Onsager Prize Talk I, APS March Meeting 2011, March 21-25, 2011, abstract id. A8.002, ADS: 2011APS..MAR.A8002B.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, Higher Equations of Motion in Boundary Liouville Field Theory, J. High Energy Phys., 1002, 010 (2010); arXiv:0911.4597, WoS: 000275223100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77954904801, ADS: 2010JHEP...02..010B, InSpire: 837754, RINTs: 24942776, MathSciNet: 2672764, zbMath: 1270.81196.
- A. Belavin, C. Rim, Bulk one-point function on disk in one-matrix model, Phys. Lett. B 687 (2-3), 264-266 (2010); arXiv:1001.4356, WoS: 000277070800031, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77949915481, ADS: 2010PhLB..687..264B, InSpire: 843622, RINTs: 15330014, MathSciNet: 2608747, zbMath: -.
- A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Two dimensional gravity in genus one in matrix models, topological and Liouville approaches, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 92 (4), 286-295 (2010) [JETP Lett., 92(4), 257-267 (2010)]; arXiv:1006.2056, WoS: 000284470400012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78149475481, ADS: 2010JETPL..92..257B, InSpire: 857654, RINTs: 16230539.
- A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopol’skii, Vvedenie v teoriyu strun i konformnuyu teoriyu polya, Yadernaya fizika, 73(5), 879-908 (2010) [A.A. Belavin, G.M. Tarnopolsky, Introduction to string theory and conformal field theory, Phys. Atomic Nuclei, 73(5), 848-877 (2010)], WoS: 000278120900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77952997201, ADS: 2010PAN....73..848B, InSpire: 861638, RINTs: 15108519.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, Four-point function in Super Liouville Gravity, J. Phys. A 42, 304003 (2009) (19pp); arXiv:0810.1023, WoS: 000267943000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449589522, ADS: 2009JPhA...42D4003B, InSpire: 798589, RINTs: 15297116, MathSciNet: 2521322, zbMath: 1180.83033.
- A.A. Belavin, A.B. Zamolodchikov, On Correlation Numbers in 2D Minimal Gravity and Matrix Models, J. Phys. A 42, 304004 (2009) (18pp); arXiv:0811.0450, WoS: 000267943000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449572805, ADS: 2009JPhA...42D4004B, InSpire: 801550, RINTs: 15302647, MathSciNet: 2521323, zbMath: 1180.83034.
- A. Belavin, V. Bazhanov, Y. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.), Liouville Gravity and Statistical Models, J. Phys. A 42, No.30 (2009).
- V. Bazhanov, A. Belavin, Y. Pugai, M. Tsfasman, A. Zamolodchikov, Alexei Zamolodchikov (Preface), J. Phys. A 42, 300301 (2009) (2 pp), WoS: 000267943000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70749101915, MathSciNet: 2521319, zbMath: 1175.01067.
- A. Belavin, V. Belavin, A. Neveu, Al. Zamolodchikov, Bootstrap in Supersymmetric Liouville Field Theory. I. NS Sector, Nucl. Phys. B 784(3), 202-233 (2007); hep-th/0703084, WoS: 000250291200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34548697950, ADS: 2007NuPhB.784..202B, InSpire: 746069, RINTs: 13549397, MathSciNet: 2353413, zbMath: 1149.81332.
- A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Higher equations of motion in the N=1 SUSY Liouville field theory, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 84 (8), 496-502 (2006) [JETP Lett., 84(8), 418-424 (2006)]; hep-th/0610316, WoS: 000243046500003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33845794922, ADS: 2006JETPL..84..418B, InSpire: 730318, RINTs: 13522527.
- A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Integraly po prostranstvu modulei, kol’tso diskretnykh sostoyanii i chetyrekhtochechnaya funktsiya v minimal’noi liuvillevskoi gravitatsii, TMF, 147(3), 339-371 (2006) [A.A. Belavin, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrals over moduli spaces, ground ring, and four-point function in minimal Liouville gravity, Theor. Math. Phys., 147(3), 729-754 (2006)], WoS: 000239030100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33745197998, ADS: 2006TMP...147..729B, InSpire: 724927, RINTs: 9222054, MathSciNet: 2254721, zbMath: 1177.81086.
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- A.A. Belavin, V.A. Belavin, A.V. Litvinov, Y.P. Pugai, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, On correlation functions in the perturbed minimal models M2,2n+1, Nucl. Phys. B 676 (3), 587-614 (2004); hep-th/0309137, WoS: 000187836100004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0346268897, ADS: 2004NuPhB.676..587B, InSpire: 628216, RINTs: 13452994, MathSciNet: 2025681, zbMath: 1089.81037.
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- A.A. Beilinson, A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfeld, E.V. Frenkel, D.B. Fuchs, T. Miwa, B.L. Tsygan, A.V. Zelevinskii, Boris Feigin, Moscow Math. J., 4(3), 537–546 (2004), MathSciNet: 2119138.
- A.A. Belavin, R.A. Usmanov, Q-operator i uravnenie Drinfel’da, TMF, 135(3), 370–377 (2003) [A.A. Belavin, R.A. Usmanov, Q-operator and the Drinfeld equation, Theor. Math. Phys., 135(3), 757-764 (2003)], WoS: 000184367300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038541945, ADS: -, InSpire: -, RINTs: 13428772, MathSciNet: 1984443, zbMath: 1178.81103.
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- A.A. Belavin (red.), Instantony, struny i konformnaya teoriya polya: Sb. statei / Pod red. A.A. Belavina, M.: Fizmatlit, 2002. - 448 s. - ISBN 5-9221-0303-2.
- A.A. Belavin, R.A. Usmanov, On algebra of the Baxter Q-operators, In: From integrable models to gauge theories. Ed. by V.G. Gurzadyan and A.G. Sedrakian, World Scientific. 77-97 (2002) [A volume in honor of Sergei Matinyan. Proc. Int. Workshop, Nor-Amberd, Armenia, September 2001. Singapore: World Scientific, 2002, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-981-02-4927-4], MathSciNet: 1914794, zbMath: 1255.81174.
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- A.A. Belavin, A.G. Kulakov, Lektsii po teoreticheskoi fizike, M.: MTsNMO, VKM NMU, 1999, 182 s. ISBN: 5-00-008456-X, zbMath: 1041.00502.
- A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfeld, Triangle equations and simple Lie algebras, Classic Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 1. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. 1998. viii, 91 pp. ISBN: 90-5702-269-9, MathSciNet: 1697007, zbMath: 0921.58073.
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- A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 5-52 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
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- A. Belavin, A direct calculation of the spectrum of masses in an integrable model from the Hopf-algebra symmetry, Phys. Lett. B 283 (1-2), 67-69 (1992), WoS: A1992HZ37600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001918068, ADS: 1992PhLB..283...67B, RINTs: 30837561, MathSciNet: 1169657.
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- A.A. Belavin, Quantum groups and integrable field theories, Proc. 4th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Tehran, Iran, 12-17 May 1990, p. 33-42, InSpire: 309443.
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- A.A. Belavin, On the connection between Zamolodchikov's W-algebras and Kac-Moody algebras, In: Quantum String Theory. Proc. 2nd Yukawa Memorial Symposium, Nishinomiya, Japan, 23 Nov 1987, p. 132-135. Ed. by N. Kawamoto, T. Kugo, Springer-Verlag, 1988, ix+147 pp.
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- A. Belavin, V. Knizhnik, A. Morozov, A. Perelomov, Two- and three-loop amplitudes in the bosonic string theory, Phys. Lett. B 177 (3-4), 324-328 (1986), WoS: A1986E176900015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000659244, RINTs: 30850092, MathSciNet: 0860363.
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- A.A. Belavin, V.G. Knizhnik, A.Yu. Morozov, A.M. Perelomov, Dvukh- i trekhpetlevye amplitudy v teorii bozonnykh strun, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 43 (7), 319-321 (1986) [A.A. Belavin, V.G. Knizhnik, A.Yu. Morozov, A.M. Perelomov, Two- and three-loop amplitudes in boson string theory, JETP Lett., 43 (7), 411-415 (1986)], WoS: A1986D650700002, MathSciNet: 0892643.
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- A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory, Nucl. Phys. B 241 (2), 333-380 (1984), WoS: A1984TC22200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010882054, ADS: 1984NuPhB.241..333B, InSpire: 202442, MathSciNet: 757857, zbMath: 0661.17013.
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- A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfel’d, O klassicheskom uravnenii Yanga–Bakstera dlya prostykh algebr Li, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 17(3), 69-70 (1983) [A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfel’d, Classical Young–Baxter equation for simple Lie algebras, Funct. Anal. Appl., 17(3), 220-221 (1983)], WoS: A1983SK12000011, MathSciNet: 0714225, zbMath: 0533.22014.
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- A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfel’d, O resheniyakh klassicheskogo uravneniya Yanga–Bakstera dlya prostykh algebr Li, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 16(3), 1-29 (1982) [A.A. Belavin, V.G. Drinfel’d, Solutions of the classical Yang - Baxter equation for simple Lie algebras, Funct. Anal. Appl., 16(3), 159-180 (1982)], WoS: A1982QK26800001, MathSciNet: 0674005, zbMath: 0511.22011.
- A.A. Belavin, Dynamical symmetry of integrable quantum systems, Nucl. Phys. B 180[FS2] (2), 189-200 (1981), WoS: A1981LP75500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49149138935, ADS: 1981NuPhB.180..189B, InSpire: 167073, MathSciNet: 0609841, zbMath: 0959.81006.
- A.A. Belavin, Skrytaya simmetriya integriruemykh sistem, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 32 (2), 182-186 (1980) [A.A. Belavin, Hidden symmetry of integrable systems, JETP Lett., 32 (2), 169-173 (1980)], WoS: A1980LB83600024.
- A.A. Belavin, Diskretnye gruppy i integriruemost’ kvantovykh sistem, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 14(4), 18-26 (1980) [A.A. Belavin, Discrete groups and the integrability of quantum systems, Funct. Anal. Appl., 14(4), 260-267 (1981)], WoS: A1980LX98800003, MathSciNet: 0595725, zbMath: 0459.22009.
- A.A. Belavin, V.A. Fateev, A.S. Schwarz, Yu.S. Tyupkin, Quantum fluctuations of multi-instanton solutions, Phys. Lett. B 83 (3-4), 317-320 (1979), WoS: A1979GY26400014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001312384, ADS: 1979PhLB...83..317B, RINTs: 30874748.
- A.A. Belavin, Exact solution of the two-dimensional model with asymptotic freedom, Phys. Lett. B 87 (1-2), 117-121 (1979), WoS: A1979HS19000032, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000552710, ADS: 1979PhLB...87..117B.
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- A.A. Belavin, V.E. Zakharov, Yang-Mills equations as inverse scattering problem, Lect. Notes Phys., 80, 229-234 (1978) [Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: Proc. Int. Conf, Rome, June 6–15, 1977, Ed. G. Dell'Antonio et al. Springer, vi,438 pp, ISBN 978-3-540-08853-0], WoS: -, ADS: 1978LNP....80..229B, InSpire: 127355, MathSciNet: 0518438.
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- A.A. Belavin, D.E. Burlankov, The renormalisable theory of gravitation and the einstein equations, Phys. Lett. A 58 (1), 7-8 (1976), WoS: A1976CC23200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33645508000, ADS: 1976PhLA...58....7B, MathSciNet: 0411527.
- A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.S. Schwartz, Yu.S. Tyupkin, Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang-Mills equations, Phys. Lett. B 59 (1), 85-87 (1975), WoS: A1975AW15200025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33744541238, ADS: 1975PhLB...59...85B, InSpire: 101400, RINTs: 30893084, MathSciNet: 0434183.
- A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, Metastabil’nye sostoyaniya dvumernogo izotropnogo ferromagnetika, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 22(10), 503-506 (1975) [A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, Metastable states of two-dimensional isotropic ferromagnets, JETP Lett., 22(10), 245-247 (1975)], WoS: A1975BQ36900003, InSpire: 107068.
- A.A. Belavin, A.A. Migdal, Vychislenie anomal’nykh razmernostei v neabelevykh kalibrovochnykh teoriyakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 19 (5), 317-320 (1974) [A.A. Belavin, A.A. Migdal, Calculation of anomalous dimensionalities in non-Abelian field gauge theories, JETP Lett., 19 (5), 181-182 (1974)], InSpire: 96662.
- A.A. Belavin, A.A. Migdal, Scale Invariance and Bootstrap in the Nonabelian Gauge Theories, Preprint ITF im. Landau 74-0894, yanv. 1974, 10 s., InSpire: 89307.
- A.A. Belavin, M.A. Yurishchev, Metod Vil’sona v staticheskoi modeli nuklona, ZhETF, 64 (2), 407-412 (1973) [A.A. Belavin, M.A. Yurishchev, Wilson's method in the static model of the nucleon, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(2), 208-210 (1973)], InSpire: 87271.
- G.M. Avdeeva, A.A. Belavin, Funktsiya Gell-Manna - Lou v odnozaryadnoi skalyarnoi kvantovoi teorii polya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18(10), 611-613 (1973) [G.M. Avdeeva, A.A. Belavin, The Gell-Mann - Low function in single-charge scalar quantum field theory, JETP Lett., 18(10), 359-360 (1973)], InSpire: 87855.
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