Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д. Ландау

Российской академии наук

Александр Борисович Замолодчиков

Ведущий научный сотрудник

Доктор физ.-мат. наук

Эл. почта:


    1. Hao-Lan Xu, Alexander Zamolodchikov, Ising Field Theory in a magnetic field: φ3 coupling at T>Tc, J. High Energy Physics, Volume 2023, Issue 08, article id. 161 (2023); arXiv:2304.07886, ADS: 2023JHEP...08..161X.
    2. Hao-Lan Xu, Alexander Zamolodchikov, 2D Ising Field Theory in a magnetic field: the Yang-Lee singularity, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022(08), 57 (2022); arXiv:2203.11262, ADS: 2022JHEP...08..057X, InSpire: 2056947, MathSciNet: 4462372.
    3. П.И. Арсеев, М.А. Васильев, М.И. Высоцкий, А.С. Горский, В.Г. Дринфельд, А.Б. Замолодчиков, В.Е. Захаров, А.В. Литвинов, А.М. Поляков, В.А. Рубаков, Б.Л. Фейгин, М.А. Шифман, Александр Абрамович Белавин (к 80-летию со дня рождения), УФН 192(10), 1179-1180 (2022) [P.I. Arseev, M.A. Vasil’ev, M.I. Vysotskii, A.S. Gorskii, V.G. Drinfeld, A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Litvinov, A.M. Polyakov, V.A. Rubakov, B.I. Feigin, M.A. Shifman, Aleksandr Abramovich Belavin (on his 80th birthday), Phys. Usp. 65 (10), 1104-1106 (2022)], ADS: 2022PhyU...65.1104A.
    4. G. Camilo, T. Fleury, M. L Lencsés, S. Negro, A, Zamolodchikov, On factorizable S-matrices, generalized TTbar, and the Hagedorn transition, J. High Energy Phys., 2021(10), 62(2021); arXiv:2106.11999, ADS: 2021JHEP...10..062C.
    5. F.A. Smirnov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, On space of integrable quantum field theories, Nucl. Phys. B 915, 363-383 (2017); arXiv:1608.05499, WoS: 000393702800018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85007318843, ADS: 2017NuPhB.915..363S, InSpire: 1482666, РИНЦ: 29466808, MathSciNet: 3598702, zbMath: 1354.81033.
    6. G. Falkovich, A. Zamolodchikov, Operator product expansion and multi-point correlations in turbulent energy cascades, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 18FT02 (2015), WoS: 000353232700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84927717844, ADS: 2015JPhA...48rFT02F, InSpire: -, РИНЦ: 24023223.
    7. A. Litvinov, S. Lukyanov, N. Nekrasov, A. Zamolodchikov, Classical conformal blocks and Painlevé VI, J. High Energy Phys., 1407, 144 (2014); arXiv:1309.4700, WoS: 000340382900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84905398692, ADS: 2014JHEP...07..144L, InSpire: 1254596, РИНЦ: 24939512, MathSciNet: 3250114, zbMath: 1333.81375.
    8. S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable boundary interaction in 3D target space: The “pillow-brane” model, Nucl. Phys. B 873(3), 585-613 (2013); arXiv:1208.5259, WoS: 000320738800007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84878225713, ADS: 2013NuPhB.873..585L, InSpire: 1182040, РИНЦ: 20430217, MathSciNet: 3069216, zbMath: 1282.81150.
    9. A. Zamolodchikov, Ising Spectroscopy II: Particles and poles at T>Tc, arXiv:1310.4821, ADS: 2013arXiv1310.4821Z, InSpire: 1261052.
    10. A. Belavin, Ya. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.), Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions: Collected works of Alexei Zamolodchikov. In 2 volumes., World Scientific, 2012, Vol. 1: xii+413 pp.; Vol. 2: pp. i–xii and 417–1045. ISBN: 978-981-4324-07-6 9 (Vol. 1); ISBN: 978-981-4324-08-3 9 (Vol. 2), MathSciNet: 3287583, zbMath: 1262.81003.
    11. A. Zamolodchikov, I. Ziyatdinov, Inelastic scattering and elastic amplitude in Ising field theory in a weak magnetic field at T>Tc. Perturbative analysis, Nucl. Phys. B 849(3), 654-674 (2011); arXiv:1102.0767, WoS: 000291573800007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79956038420, ADS: 2011NuPhB.849..654Z, InSpire: 886585, РИНЦ: 16997957, zbMath: 1215.82027.
    12. S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Quantum sine(h)-Gordon model and classical integrable equations, J. High Energy Phys., 1007, 008 (2010) [40 pages]; arXiv:1003.5333, WoS: 000281504500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77954964686, ADS: 2010JHEP...07..008L, InSpire: 850292, РИНЦ: 24942791, MathSciNet: 2720022, zbMath: 1290.35247.
    13. A.A. Belavin, A.B. Zamolodchikov, On Correlation Numbers in 2D Minimal Gravity and Matrix Models, J. Phys. A 42, 304004 (2009) (18pp); arXiv:0811.0450, WoS: 000267943000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449572805, ADS: 2009JPhA...42D4004B, InSpire: 801550, РИНЦ: 15302647, MathSciNet: 2521323, zbMath: 1180.83034.
    14. V.A. Fateev, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, On the mass spectrum in 't Hooft's 2D model of mesons, J. Phys. A 42, 304012 (2009) (23pp); arXiv:0905.2280, WoS: 000267943000013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449569183, ADS: 2009JPhA...42D4012F, InSpire: 820464, РИНЦ: 15308976, MathSciNet: 2521331.
    15. A. Belavin, V. Bazhanov, Y. Pugai, A. Zamolodchikov (Eds.), Liouville Gravity and Statistical Models, J. Phys. A 42, No.30 (2009).
    16. V. Bazhanov, A. Belavin, Y. Pugai, M. Tsfasman, A. Zamolodchikov, Alexei Zamolodchikov (Preface), J. Phys. A 42, 300301 (2009) (2 pp), WoS: 000267943000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70749101915, MathSciNet: 2521319, zbMath: 1175.01067.
    17. A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Decay of Metastable Vacuum in Liouville Gravity, High Energy Physics (IHEP'06), pp. 1223-1228 (2007) [Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference , Moscow, Russia , 26 July - 2 August 2006. Ed. by Alexey Sissakian, Gennady Kozlov and Elena Kolganova. In 2 Volumes, 1316 pp. World Scientific. 2017, ISSN 978-981-270-385-9 (hardcover), 978-981-4476-51-5 (ebook)]; hep-th/0608196, ADS: 2007hepi.conf.1223Z, InSpire: 724768.
    18. S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Dual form of the paperclip model, Nucl. Phys. B 744(3), 295-311 (2006); hep-th/0510145, WoS: 000238008800003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33646343185, ADS: 2006NuPhB.744..295L, InSpire: 695385, РИНЦ: 13516932, MathSciNet: 2229176, zbMath: 1214.81254.
    19. P. Fonseca, A. Zamolodchikov, Ising Spectroscopy I: Mesons at T < Tc, hep-th/0612304, ADS: 2006hep.th...12304F, InSpire: 735817.
    20. S.L. Lukyanov, A.M. Tsvelik, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Paperclip at θ=π, Nucl. Phys. B 719(1-2), 103-120 (2005); hep-th/0501155, WoS: 000230287300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20744433065, ADS: 2005NuPhB.719..103L, InSpire: 675292, РИНЦ: 13496409, MathSciNet: 2154274, zbMath: 1207.81061.
    21. A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Liouville field theory on a pseudosphere, Proc. 6th Workshop on Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS'05), Dubna, Russia, July 27-31, 2005, p. 280-299; hep-th/0101152, ADS: 2001hep.th....1152Z, InSpire: 552378.
    22. S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable circular brane model and Coulomb charging at large conduction, J. Stat. Mech., P05003 (2004); hep-th/0306188, WoS: 000227255000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84901014135, ADS: 2004JSMTE..05..003L, InSpire: 621567, РИНЦ: 21934632.
    23. S.L. Lukyanov, E.S. Vitchev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable model of boundary interaction: the paperclip, Nucl. Phys. B 683 (3), 423-454 (2004); hep-th/0312168, WoS: 000220609500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1542716747, ADS: 2004NuPhB.683..423L, InSpire: 635596, РИНЦ: 13463753, MathSciNet: 2057110, zbMath: 1107.81329.
    24. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Expectation value of composite field $T{\bar T}$ in two-dimensional quantum field theory, hep-th/0401146, ADS: 2004hep.th....1146Z, InSpire: 643077.
    25. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Higher-level eigenvalues of Q-operators and Schrödinger equation, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., 7(4), 711-725 (2003); hep-th/0307108, WoS: 000208725300004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-3242682120, ADS: 2003hep.th....7108B, InSpire: 623406, РИНЦ: 16944319, MathSciNet: 2039035, zbMath: 1055.81521.
    26. P. Fonseca, A. Zamolodchikov, Ising field theory in a magnetic field: Analytic properties of the free energy, J. Stat. Phys., 110(3-6), 527-590 (2003); hep-th/0112167, WoS: 000180701300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037279605, ADS: 2001hep.th...12167F, InSpire: 568695, РИНЦ: 13939544, MathSciNet: 1964684, zbMath: 1016.82014.
    27. P. Fonseca, A. Zamolodchikov, Ward Identities and Integrable Differential Equations in the Ising Field Theory, hep-th/0309228, ADS: 2003hep.th....9228F, InSpire: 629066.
    28. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Spectral determinants for Schroedinger equation and Q-operators of conformal field theory, J. Stat. Phys., 102 (3-4), 567-576 (2001); hep-th/9812247, WoS: 000168903800008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035534191, ADS: 2001JSP...102..567B, InSpire: 481566, РИНЦ: 13383643, MathSciNet: 1832065, zbMath: 0983.81019.
    29. S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov, Form factors of soliton-creating operators in the sine-Gordon model, Nucl. Phys. B 607 (3), 437-455 (2001); hep-th/0102079, WoS: 000170438500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000723907, ADS: 2001NuPhB.607..437L, InSpire: 553114, РИНЦ: 13368283, MathSciNet: 1850795, zbMath: 0969.81566.
    30. V. Fateev, A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Boundary Liouville Field Theory I. Boundary State and Boundary Two-point Function, hep-th/0001012, ADS: 2000hep.th....1012F, InSpire: 522765.
    31. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable structure of conformal field theory III. The Yang-Baxter relation, Commun. Math. Phys., 200 (2), 297-324 (1999); hep-th/9805008, WoS: 000078716800003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033248351, ADS: 1999CMaPh.200..297B, InSpire: 469996, РИНЦ: 13317476, MathSciNet: 1673992, zbMath: 1057.81531.
    32. V. Fateev, D. Fradkin, S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Expectation values of descendent fields in the sine-Gordon model, Nucl. Phys. B 540 (3), 587-609 (1999); hep-th/9807236, WoS: 000078676900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033556968, ADS: 1999NuPhB.540..587F, InSpire: 474057, РИНЦ: 13315788, MathSciNet: 1672130, zbMath: 0942.81039.
    33. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, On non-equilibrium states in QFT model with boundary interaction, Nucl. Phys. B 549 (3), 529-545 (1999); hep-th/9812091, WoS: 000080909700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033532441, ADS: 1999NuPhB.549..529B, InSpire: 480762, РИНЦ: 13308920, MathSciNet: 1693554, zbMath: 0947.81104.
    34. V. Fateev, S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Expectation values of local fields in the Bullough-Dodd model and integrable perturbed conformal field theories, Nucl. Phys. B 516 (3), 652-674 (1998); hep-th/9709034, WoS: 000073588300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032549918, ADS: 1998NuPhB.516..652F, InSpire: 447931, РИНЦ: 13286143, MathSciNet: 1625191, zbMath: 0909.58074.
    35. A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 5-52 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    36. V.G. Knizhnik, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Current Algebra and Wess-Zumino Model in Two Dimensions, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 76-96 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    37. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite additional symmetries in two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 104-114 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    38. A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Nonlocal (Parafermion) currents in two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory and self-dual critical Potts ZN-symmetric statistical systems, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 203-213 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    39. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal Symmetry and Multicritical Points in Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 258-264 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    40. A.B. Zamolodchikov, ‘Irreversibility’ of the Flux of the Renormalization Group in a 2D Field Theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 702-704 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    41. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrals of Motion in Scaling 3-State Potts Model Field Theory, In: Conformal invariance and applications to statistical mechanics, Ed. by C. Itzykson et al., 705-714 (1998). World Scientific, 994 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0605-6.
    42. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Recent progress in integrable quantum field theories: The one-point functions, RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN NONPERTURBATIVE QUANTUM FIELD THEORY: Proceedings. Edited by Y.M. Cho and M. Virasoro. Singapore, World Scientific, p.353-361 (1998) [APCTP - ICTP Joint International Conference (AIJIC 97) on Recent Developments in Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory, 26-30 May 1997. Seoul, Korea].
    43. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory II. Q-operator and DDV equation, Commun. Math. Phys., 190 (2), 247-278 (1997); hep-th/9604044, WoS: 000073135900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031549912, ADS: 1997CMaPh.190..247B, InSpire: 417443, РИНЦ: 13261290, MathSciNet: 1489571, zbMath: 0908.35114.
    44. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Quantum field theories in finite volume: Excited state energies, Nucl. Phys. B 489 (3), 487-531 (1997); hep-th/9607099, WoS: A1997WT23500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031557519, ADS: 1997NuPhB.489..487B, InSpire: 420695, РИНЦ: 13273738, MathSciNet: 1445011.
    45. S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov, Exact expectation values of local fields in the quantum sine-Gordon model, Nucl. Phys. B 493 (3), 571-587 (1997); hep-th/9611238, WoS: A1997XB18800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031548107, ADS: 1997NuPhB.493..571L, InSpire: 426578, РИНЦ: 13262797, MathSciNet: 1453266, zbMath: 0909.58064.
    46. V. Fateev, S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Expectation values of boundary fields in the boundary sine-Gordon model, Phys. Lett. B 406 (1-2), 83-88 (1997); hep-th/9702190, WoS: A1997XP70100015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041047489, ADS: 1997PhLB..406...83F, InSpire: 440756, РИНЦ: 13261444, MathSciNet: 1461257.
    47. A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. B: Phys., Vol. 361, 319-334 (1997) [Low-dimensional applications of quantum field theory. Dedicated to Claude Itzykson. Summer School, Cargèse, Corsica, France, July 11-29, 1995. Ed. L. Laurent, V. Kazakov, M. Picco, P. Windey. New York, NY: Plenum. ISBN 0-306-45686-9, 978-1-4899-1919-9].
    48. A. Zamolodchikov, Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for Excited States, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. B: Phys., Vol. 361, 335-364 (1997) [Low-dimensional applications of quantum field theory. Dedicated to Claude Itzykson. Summer School, Cargèse, Corsica, France, July 11-29, 1995. Ed. L. Laurent, V. Kazakov, M. Picco, P. Windey. New York, NY: Plenum. ISBN 0-306-45686-9, 978-1-4899-1919-9].
    49. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Expectation values of local fields in integrable quantum field theories, Proc. 12th International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP 97), 13-19 Jul 1997, Brisbane, Australia. p.240-248.
    50. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory, Proc. 2nd Int. Sakharov Conference on Physics, 20-23 May 1996, Moscow, Russia, p. 633-636. Edited by I.M. Dremin, A.M. Semikhatov. Singapore, World Scientific, 1997. 761p.
    51. V.V. Bazhanov, S.L. Lukyanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable structure of conformal field theory, quantum KdV theory and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, Commun. Math. Phys., 177 (2), 381-398 (1996); hep-th/9412229, WoS: A1996UG48500005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0030543712, ADS: 1996CMaPh.177..381B, InSpire: 381809, РИНЦ: 13240488.
    52. A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory, Nucl. Phys. B 477 (2), 577-605 (1996); hep-th/9506136, WoS: A1996VK94800012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0030583445, ADS: 1996NuPhB.477..577Z, InSpire: 396446, РИНЦ: 13237415, MathSciNet: 1413469, zbMath: 0925.81301.
    53. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory, Proc. 2nd Int. Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, 20-23 May 1996, p. 633-635, ADS: 1997siad.conf..633Z, InSpire: 433880.
    54. S.L. Luk’yanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, L.V. Bazhanov, Integrable structure of conformal field theory 2Q-operator and DDV equation, Prepr. CLNS-96-1405, 43 pp.
    55. S.L. Luk’yanov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, L.V. Bazhanov, Integrable quantum field theories in finite volume: excited state energies, Prepr. CLNS-96-1416, 55 pp; hep-th/9607099, ADS: 1997NuPhB.489..487B, InSpire: 420695.
    56. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite additional symmetries in two dimensional conformal quantum field theory, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 22 [W-Symmetry. Ed. by P. Bouwknegt & K. Schoutens], 221-229, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1995. ISBN: 978-981-02-1762-4.
    57. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable quantum field theory with boundary, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Physics (ICMP-11), Satellite Colloquia: New Problems in the General Theory of Fields and Particle, 18-23 Jul 1994, Paris, France, p.206-208. Ed. by D. Iagolnitzer. Cambridge, USA, IP, 1995. 808pp.
    58. S. Ghoshal, A. Zamolodchikov, Boundary S-Matrix and Boundary State in Two-Dimensional Integrable Quantum Field Theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 9(21), 3841-3886 (1994); Erratum-ibid. A 9(24), 4353 (1994); hep-th/9306002, WoS: A1994NY84100007, Scopus: -, ADS: 1994IJMPA...9.3841G, InSpire: 35115.
    59. R. Chatterjee, A. Zamolodchikov, Local magnetization in critical Ising model with boundary magnetic field, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9(24), 2227-2234 (1994); hep-th/9311165, WoS: A1994PG17500006, Scopus: -, ADS: 1994MPLA....9.2227C, InSpire: 36550.
    60. L. Chim, A. Zamolodchikov, Integrable field theory of the q-state Potts model with 0<q<4, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 7(21), 5317-5335 (1992), WoS: A1992JM09200014, Scopus: -, ADS:  1992IJMPA...7.5317C , InSpire: 29977, MathSciNet: 29977.
    61. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Massless factorized scattering and sigma models with topological terms, Nucl. Phys. B 379 (3), 602-623 (1992), WoS: A1992JF85100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000594099, ADS: 1992NuPhB.379..602Z, MathSciNet: 1175564.
    62. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable field theory of self-avoiding polymers in 2D, Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Groups and Topology. Miami, FL, USA, 07 Jan 1991, p. 324-332. Ed. by T. Curtright, L. Mezincescu, R. Nepomechie. World Scientific, 1992, 347 pp.
    63. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact S-Matrix associated with self-avoiding polymer problem in two dimensions, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 6(19), 1807-1813 (1991), WoS: A1991FW75100010, Scopus: -, ADS: 1991MPLA....6.1807Z, MathSciNet: 1115618.
    64. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and purely elastic S-matrices, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 5 (6), 1025-1048 (1990), WoS: A1990CP74800001, Scopus: -, ADS: 1990IJMPA...5.1025F, MathSciNet: 1049488.
    65. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact solutions of conformal field theory in two dimensions and critical phenomena, New problems, methods and techniques in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, 55-92, Ser. Adv. Statist. Mech., 6, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1990, MathSciNet: 1155188.
    66. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Factorized S-matrices in two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relavistic quantum field theory models, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 10, 82-120 (1990) [Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems. Ed. by Michio Jimbo, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1990, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-981-02-0120-3].
    67. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Self-Dual solutions of the star-triangle relations in ZN models, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 10, 492-494 (1990) [Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems. Ed. by Michio Jimbo, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1990, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-981-02-0120-3], ADS: 1990ASMP...10..492F.
    68. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Tetrahedron equations and the relativistiv S-matrix of straight strings in 2+1 dimensions, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 10, 630-646 (1990) [Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems. Ed. by Michio Jimbo, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1990, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-981-02-0120-3].
    69. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal Field Theory and Purely Elastic S-Matrices, In: Physics and Mathematics of Strings (Memorial Volume for Vadim Knizhnik), 245-270 (1990). Ed. L.Brink, D.Friedan, A.M. Polyakov, World Scientific, 1990, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0980-4.
    70. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and 2-D critical phenomena. 6. Modular bootstrap, Preprint ITEP-90-103, Oct 1990. 28pp.
    71. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and 2-D critical phenomena. 3. Conformal bootstrap and degenerate representations of conformal algebra, Preprint ITEP-90-31, Mar 1990. 29pp..
    72. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and 2-D critical phenomena. 4. Minimal models, Preprint ITEP-90-83, Jul 1990. 27pp.
    73. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and 2-D critical phenomena. 5a. Conformal theory of critical Ashkin-Teller model, Preprint ITEP-90-91, Sep 1990. 38pp.
    74. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and 2-D critical phenomena. 5b. Conformal theory of critical Ashkin-Teller model, Preprint ITEP-90-92, Sep 1990. 21pp.
    75. A.B. Zamolodchikov, S matrix of the subleading magnetic perturbation of the tricritical Ising model, Preprint PUPT-1195, Aug 1990. 13pp..
    76. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrals of motion and S-matrix of the (scaled) T=Tc Ising-model with magnetic-field, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 4(16), 4235-4248 (1989), WoS: A1989AP14800013, MathSciNet: 1017357.
    77. I.R. Sagdeev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Numerical check of the exact mass spectrum of the scaling limit of T = Tc Ising model with magnetic field, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 3(18), 1375-1381 (1989), MathSciNet: 1033445.
    78. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact solutions of conformal field theory in two dimensions and critical phenomena, Rev. Math. Phys., 1(2-3), 197-234 (1989), MathSciNet: 1070090.
    79. A.A. Belavin, A.U. Klimyk, A.B. Zamolodchikov (eds.), Problems of Modern Quantum Field Theory: Invited Lectures of the Spring School, Alushta, USSR, April 24-May 5, 1989, Research Reports in Physics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. x+157 pp. ISBN: 3-540-51833-9; 0-387-51833-9, MathSciNet: 1091756.
    80. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable field theory from conformal field theory, Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 19, 641-674 (1989) [Eds. Jimbo, M.; Miwa, T.; Tsuchiya, A. Integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. Academic Press, 1989, 682 p. ISBN 0-12-385342-7], MathSciNet: 1048607, zbMath: 0703.17014.
    81. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal field theory and critical phenomena in two-dimensional systems, Sov. Sci. Rev. Sect. A: Physics Reviews, Vol. 10, Pt.4, 269-433 (1989). I.M. Khalatnikov (Ed.), London: Harwood, 1989.
    82. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal Field Theory and 2-D Critical Phenomena. 1. Algebra of Local Fields, Preprint ITEP-89-112, 32pp.
    83. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal Field Theory and 2-D Critical Phenomena. 2. Renormalization Group and Conformal Symmetry, Preprint ITEP-89-173, Nov 1989. 29pp.
    84. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrals of motion in scaling 3-state Potts model field theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 3 (3), 743-750 (1988), WoS: A1988M505400012, MathSciNet: 952030.
    85. V.G. Knizhnik, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Fractal structure of 2D quantum gravity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 3 (8), 819-826 (1988), WoS: A1988P045100011, ADS: 1988MPLA....3..819K, InSpire: 24639, MathSciNet: 947880.
    86. A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Fractal structure of two dimensional supergravity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 3(12), 1213-1219 (1988), WoS: A1988Q384700012, ADS: 1988MPLA....3.1213P, InSpire: 24640, MathSciNet: 963207.
    87. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Р.Г. Погосян, Операторная алгебра в двумерной суперконформной теории поля, Ядерная физика, 47(5), 1461-1474 (1988) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, R.G. Pogosyan, Operator algebra in two-dimensional superconformal field theory, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 47 (5), 929-936 (1988)], WoS: A1988R420300033, InSpire: 273567, MathSciNet: 0972239.
    88. A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., 3, 413-460 (1988) [Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras. A Reprint Volume for Physicists. Ed. by P Goddard & D Olive, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1988, 604 pp. ISBN: 978-9971-5-0419-9].
    89. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal quantum field theory models in two dimensions having Z3 symmetry, Nucl. Phys. B 280(4), 644-660 (1987), WoS: A1987H239800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-9744223160, РИНЦ: 31054641, MathSciNet: 0887667.
    90. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Высшие интегралы движения в двумерных моделях теории поля с нарушенной конформной симметрией, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 46 (4), 129-132 (1987) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Higher-order integrals of motion in two-dimensional models of the field theory with a broken conformal symmetry, JETP Lett., 46 (4), 160-164 (1987)], WoS: A1987L523000002, MathSciNet: 0921396.
    91. А.Б. Замолодчиков, В.А. Фатеев, Представления алгебры "парафермионных токов" спина 4/3 в двумерной конформной теории поля. Минимальные модели и трикритическая Z3-модель Поттса, ТМФ, 71(2), 163–178 (1987) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Representations of the algebra of “parafermion currents” of spin 4/3 in two-dimensional conformal field theory. Minimal models and the tricritical Potts Z3 model, Theor. Math. Phys., 71(2), 451-462 (1987)], WoS: A1987L510600001, MathSciNet: 0911665.
    92. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Renormalization group and perturbation theory about fixed points in two-dimensional field theory (Russian), Ядерная физика, 46(6), 1819-1831 (1987) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Renormalization group and perturbation theory about fixed points in two-dimensional field theory, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 46 (6), 1090-1096 (1987)], WoS: A1987P215600032, MathSciNet: 0946791.
    93. А.Б. Замолодчиков, В.А. Фатеев, Поля беспорядка в двумерной конформной квантовой теории поля и N=2 расширения суперсимметрии, ЖЭТФ, 90 (5), 1553-1566 (1986) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Disorder fields in two-dimensional conformal quantum-field theory and N=2 extended supersymmetry, Sov. Phys. JETP 63(5), 913-919 (1986)], WoS: A1986C643700004.
    94. Ал.Б. Замолодчиков, Двумерная конформная симметрия и критические четырехспиновые корреляционные функции в модели Ашкина-Теллера, ЖЭТФ, 90 (5), 1808-1818 (1986) [Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Two-dimensional conformal symmetry and critical 4-spin correlation-functions in the Ashkin-Teller model, Sov. Phys. JETP 63(5), 1061-1066 (1986)], WoS: A1986C643700027.
    95. А.Б. Замолодчиков, О "необратимости" потока ренормализационной группы в двумерной теории поля, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 43(12), 565-567 (1986) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, "Irreversibility" of the flux of the renormalization group in a 2D field theory, JETP Lett., 43(12), 730-732 (1986)], WoS: A1986F006700007, MathSciNet: 0865077.
    96. A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Operator algebra and correlation functions in the two-dimensional SU(2) × SU(2) chiral Wess-Zumino model, Ядерная физика, 43(4), 1031-1044 (1986) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Operator algebra and correlation functions in the two-dimensional SU(2) × SU(2) chiral Wess-Zumino model, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 43 (4), 657-664 (1986)], WoS: A1986E149500032.
    97. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal symmetry and multicritical points in two-dimensional quantum field theory (in Russian), Ядерная физика, 44(3), 821-827 (1986) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal symmetry and multicritical points in two-dimensional quantum field theory, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 44 (3), 529-533 (1986)], WoS: A1986G707200033, MathSciNet: 0881379.
    98. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Tetrahedron Equations and the Relativistic S-Matrix of Straight-Strings in 2 + 1-Dimensions, Integrable Systems in Statistical Mechanics, pp. 153-169 (1985) [Series on Advances in Statistical Mechanics: Volume 1, Ed. by G D'Ariano, A Montorsi and M Rasetti. World Scientific, 1985, 178 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4415-25-5].
    99. А.Б. Замолодчиков, В.А. Фатеев, Нелокальные (парафермионные) токи в двумерной квантовой теории поля и самодуальные критические точки в ZN-симметричных статистических системах, ЖЭТФ, 89 (2), 380-399 (1985) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, Nonlocal (parafermion) currents in two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory and self-dual critical points in ZN-symmetric statistical systems, Sov. Phys. JETP 62(2), 215-225 (1985)], WoS: A1985AQU0100004, MathSciNet: 0830910.
    100. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Бесконечные дополнительные симметрии в двумерной конформной квантовой теории поля, ТМФ, 65(3), 347-359 (1985) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite additional symmetries in two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory, Theor. Math. Phys., 65(3), 1205-1213 (1985)], WoS: A1985D277400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041554226, MathSciNet: 0829902.
    101. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Conformal Bootstrap in two Dimensions, In: Ceauşescu V., Costache G., Georgescu V. (eds) Critical Phenomena: 1983 Braşov School Conference. Progress in Physics, vol 11, p. 402-438 (1985). Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 439 pp. ISBN 978-1-4899-6652-0, 978-1-4899-6650-6, MathSciNet: 0825252.
    102. A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry of critical fluctuations in two dimensions, J. Stat. Phys., 34 (5-6), 763-774 (1984), WoS: A1984SV14900005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0004542587, ADS: 1984JSP....34..763B, InSpire: 211414, РИНЦ: 30819137, MathSciNet: 0751712.
    103. A.A. Belavin, A.M. Polyakov, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory, Nucl. Phys. B 241 (2), 333-380 (1984), WoS: A1984TC22200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010882054, ADS: 1984NuPhB.241..333B, InSpire: 202442, MathSciNet: 757857, zbMath: 0661.17013.
    104. V.G. Knizhnik, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Current algebra and Wess-Zumino model in two dimensions, Nucl. Phys. B 247 (1), 83-103 (1984), WoS: A1984TV62100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33744774508, РИНЦ: 30893270, MathSciNet: 0853258.
    105. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, The exactly solvable case of a 2D lattice of plane rotators, Phys. Lett. A 92 (1), 35-36 (1982), WoS: A1982PN11400011.
    106. V.A. Fateev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Self-dual solutions of the star-triangle relations in ZN-models, Phys. Lett. A 92 (1), 37-39 (1982), WoS: A1982PN11400012, ADS: 1982PhLA...92...37F.
    107. A.A. Belavin, A.B. Zamolodchikov, The partition function of the ZN × ZN invariant vertex lattice model, Phys. Lett. B 116 (2-3), 165-167 (1982), WoS: A1982PK21700022, MathSciNet: 0675233.
    108. A.B. Zamolodchikov, On the entropy of random surfaces, Phys. Lett. B 117 (1-2), 87-90 (1982), WoS: A1982PN98000019.
    109. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Tetrahedron equations and the relativistic S-matrix of straight-strings in 2+1-dimensions, Commun. Math. Phys., 79 (4), 489-505 (1981), WoS: A1981LU22300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0345769729, ADS: 1981CMaPh..79..489Z, РИНЦ: 31176758, MathSciNet: 0826541.
    110. A.B. Zamolodchikov, “Fishing-net” diagrams as a completely integrable system, Phys. Lett. B 97 (1), 63-66 (1980), WoS: A1980KT69100016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0009738522, ADS: 1980PhLB...97...63Z.
    111. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Уравнения тетраэдров и интегрируемые системы в трехмерном пространстве, ЖЭТФ, 79 (2), 641-664 (1980) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Tetrahedra equations and integrable systems in three-dimensional space, Sov. Phys. JETP 52(2), 325-336 (1980)], WoS: A1980KF00100032.
    112. А.Б. Замолодчиков, В.А. Фатеев, Факторизованная S-матрица и интегрируемая цепочка Гейзенберга спинов единица, Ядерная физика, 32(2), 581-590 (1980) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, V.A. Fateev, A model factorized S-matrix and an integrable Heisenberg chain with spin 1, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 32 (2), 298-303 (1980)], WoS: A1980LV25100034.
    113. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Factorized S Matrices and Lattice Statistical Systems, Sov. Sci. Rev. Sect. A: Physics reviews, Vol. 2, 1-40 (1980). Ed. Khalatnikov I.M., Harwood Academic Publishers, 1980.
    114. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Factorized S-matrices in Two Dimensions as the Exact Solutions of Certain Relativistic Quantum Field Theory Models, Annals of Physics, 120 (2), 253-291 (1979).
    115. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Z4-symmetric factorized S-matrix in two space-time dimensions, Commun. Math. Phys., 69 (2), 165-178 (1979), WoS: A1979HS75100004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750864205, ADS: 1979CMaPh..69..165Z.
    116. A.E. Arinshtein, V.A. Fateyev, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Quantum S-matrix of the (1 + 1)-dimensional Todd chain, Phys. Lett. B 87 (4), 389-392 (1979), WoS: A1979HW18200022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000805643, ADS: 1979PhLB...87..389A.
    117. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Relativistic factorized S-matrix in two dimensions having O(N) isotopic symmetry, Nucl. Phys. B 133 (3), 525-535 (1978).
    118. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Al.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact S matrix of Gross-Neveu “elementary” fermions, Phys. Lett. B 72 (4), 481-483 (1978).
    119. M.I. Monastyrsky, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Kramers-wanier Transform For Lattice Spin Systems, Preprint ITEP-163-1978, 26 pp.
    120. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact two-particle S-matrix of quantum sine-Gordon solitons, Commun. Math. Phys., 55 (2), 183-186 (1977).
    121. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Точная двухчастичная S-матрица квантовых солитонов модели sine-Gordon, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 25(10), 499-502 (1977) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Exact two-particle S matrix of quantum solitons of the sine-Gordon model, JETP Lett., 25(10), 468-471 (1977)].
    122. А. Замолодчиков, Ал. Замолодчиков, Релятивистская факторизованная S-матрица в двумерном пространстве-времени с изотопической симметрией O(N), Письма в ЖЭТФ, 26 (8), 608-611 (1977) [A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Realistic factorized S matrix in two-dimensional space-time with isotopic symmetry O(N), JETP Lett., 26 (8), 457-460 (1977)].
    123. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Quantum Sine-Gordon Model. The Total S Matrix, Preprint ITEP-12-1977, Jan 1977, 11 pp.
    124. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Quantum Sine-Gordon Model. The Soliton Form-Factors, Preprint ITEP-45-1977, 12 pp.
    125. А.Б. Замолодчиков, Ю.М. Макеенко, К.А. Тер-Мартиросян, Теория прямого четырехфермионного взаимодействия, ЖЭТФ, 71 (1), 24-45 (1976) [A.B. Zamolodchikov, Yu.M. Makeenko, K.A. Ter-Martirosyan, A theory of direct four-fermion interactions, Sov. Phys. JETP 44(1), 11-22 (1976)].
    126. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Yu.M. Makeenko, K.A. Ter-Martirosian, Does Four Fermion Interaction Exist? (in Russian), In: Problems of elementary particle physics: Proc. Spring School of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 8th, Yerevan, USSR, Apr 8-19, 1975. Yerevan: Yerevan Phys. Inst., 1976, 2vols., Vol.2, p.281-322.
    127. A.B. Zamolodchikov, Boson Representation of One-Dimensional Fermions with Formalized Functional Integrals, Preprint ITEP-91-1976, 14 pp.